
This document explains how to to change the chart bar colors based on the conditions in Oracle APEX. I will be very useful when we want some one

Technologies and Tools Used

The following technologies have been used to achieve this in oracle apex.

  • Oracle Apex 21.1.


Follow the below steps to achieve this:

Step 1: Create a new blank page.

Step 2: Create a bar chart region.

Step 3: Do the column mappings.

Step 4: Enable Conditional Bar Colors.


Step 1: Create a new blank page.

Step 2: Create a bar chart region and your bar chart series query would then look something like this.





WHEN STUDENT_PERCENTAGE <= 70 THEN ‘#d1f5e0’ –green

ELSE ‘blue’



Step 3: Do the column mappings. (Label and Value must be mapped)

Once you done the above setup, then your bar chart would then look like this.

Step 4: Enable Conditional Bar Colors

Click on the chart series and look for the attribute “Color”

(Which you could find under the option “Appearance”) and Substituting your

value using the syntax &COLUMN_NAME.

Hope, this was useful to you.



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