This post talks about the issue you may encounter when applying R12.2.10 RUP patch as part of R12.2.11 Upgrade.



sqlplus -s APPS/<passwd> @/pvebsuat_pebsuat_cls/apps/fs2/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/sql/adsqlwrapper.sql

‘/pvebsuat_nebsuat_cls/apps/fs2/EBSapps/appl/asn/12.0.0/patch/115/sql/asndelff.sql ‘


PL/SQL procedure completed.



ERROR at line 1:

ORA-20001: ORA-06501: PL/SQL: program error

ORA-06512: at line 8


Cause :

  1. IF ASN (Oracle Sales) is NOT installed, It is not possible to run ASN scripts :

Then run the following SQL query to see if the ASM module is installed in your EBS system:

SQL> select status, application_short_name


fnd_product_installations, fnd_application


fnd_product_installations.application_id = fnd_application.application_id

order by application_short_name;



——————– ——————–

N                                 ASN


STATUS codes:

I – Installed

S – Shared

L – Custom

N – Not Installed

<blank> – not installed


  1. IF ASN (Oracle Sales) is installed:

This is related to known Bug: 34504314 – ASNDELFF.SQL FAILING WHILE APPLYING 12.2.10 RUP (30399999)


Conclusion/Solution :

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

  • IF ASN (Oracle Sales) is NOT installed:

If you are not using this module, it is safe to skip the worker and proceed with the patch installation.

  • IF ASN (Oracle Sales) module is installed:
  1. Download and review the readme and pre-requisites for Patch.29628578:R12.ASN.C.
  2. Apply the patch 29628578:R12.ASN.C.
  3. Proceed with the original RUP application (ie. patch 30399999).


Log details for reference:

tail -10f /pvebsuat_ebsuat_cls/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/139/20230214_195900/apply/pvebsuat/31856789/log/u31856789.log

Time is: Tue Feb 14 2023 20:21:22

FAILED: file asndelff.sql on worker  1 for product asn username ASN.

Time is: Tue Feb 14 2023 20:21:22

Deferred: file asndelff.sql on worker  1 for product asn username ASN.

Time is: Tue Feb 14 2023 20:21:22

(Deferment number 2 for this job)

Assigned: file asndelff.sql on worker  1 for product asn username ASN.

Time is: Tue Feb 14 2023 20:21:22

FAILED: file asndelff.sql on worker  1 for product asn username ASN.

Time is: Tue Feb 14 2023 20:21:22


Skip the Failed worker using AD Controller :


Enter your choice [1] : 1

Wrk  Control Code      Context            Filename                    Status

——  ——–  —————–  ————————–  ————–

1  Done        AutoPatch R120     asndelff.sql                 FAILED

2  Done        AutoPatch R120                                                Wait

3  Done        AutoPatch R120                                                Wait

4  Done        AutoPatch R120                                                Wait

5  Done        AutoPatch R120                                                 Wait

6  Done        AutoPatch R120                                                 Wait

7  Done        AutoPatch R120                                                 Wait

8  Done        AutoPatch R120                                                 Wait

9  Done        AutoPatch R120                                                 Wait


Enter your choice [1] : 8

Enter the worker number(s)/range(s) or ‘all’ for all workers,

or press [Return] to go back to the menu : 1


Status changed to ‘Skip & restart’ for worker 1.

Review the messages above, then press [Return] to continue.


Enter your choice [1] : 1

Worker  Control Code      Context             Filename                            Status

———  ———–     —————–  ————————–  ————–

1         Done          AutoPatch R120      asndelff.sql                Skip & restart

2         Done         AutoPatch R120                                               Wait

3         Done         AutoPatch R120                                               Wait

4         Done         AutoPatch R120                                               Wait

5         Done         AutoPatch R120                                               Wait


[ebsuat@pvebsuat log]$ grep -i “asndelff.sql” /pvebsuat_ebsuat_cls/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/139/20230214_195900/apply/pvebsuat/31856789/log/u31856789.log

adwork001.log:Skipping step asndelff.sql.

u31856789.log:    Fixed: file asndelff.sql on worker  1 for product asn username ASN.

u31856789.log:Completed: file asndelff.sql on worker  1 for product asn username ASN.

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