Query to get the Service Contract Details

Introduction:  This query is used to fetch the service contract details.In this we will be passing  contract_number as the parameter.

SQL Query:



a.id,a.contract_number,a.start_date,a.sts_code,a.cust_po_number,g.segment1,g.description,b.currency_code,o.trx_number “Invoice Number”

,TO_CHAR( q.date_billed_from, ‘DD-MON-YYYY HH24-MI’ ) Bill_From,TO_CHAR(q.date_billed_to, ‘DD-MON-YYYY HH24-MI’ ) Bill_To ,q.amount,DECODE(c.lse_id,8,’Party’,7,’Item’,9,’Product’,10,’Site’,11,’System’,35,’Customer’) Level_e



from okc_k_headers_all_b a,

okc_k_lines_b b,

okc_k_lines_b c,

okc_k_items d,

csi_item_instances f,

mtl_system_items_b g,

okc_k_party_roles_b h,

hz_cust_accounts i,

hz_cust_acct_sites_all j,

hz_cust_site_uses_all k,

hz_parties l,

hz_party_sites m,

hz_locations n,

oks_bill_transactions o,

oks_bill_txn_lines p,

oks_bill_cont_lines q

where 1=1

and a.id = b.dnz_chr_id

and b.id = c.cle_id

and c.id = d.cle_id

and d.object1_id1 = f.instance_id

and f.inventory_item_id = g.inventory_item_id

and a.inv_organization_id = g.organization_id

and b.ship_to_site_use_id = k.site_use_id

and k.cust_acct_site_id = j.cust_acct_site_id

and j.cust_account_id = i.cust_account_id

and i.party_id = l.party_id

and n.location_id = m.location_id

and m.party_site_id = j.party_site_id

and l.party_id = m.party_id

and h.dnz_chr_id = a.id

and o.id = p.btn_id

and p.bcl_id = q.id

and q.cle_id = c.cle_id

and b.dnz_chr_id = a.id

and h.cle_id is null

and h.rle_code = ‘CUSTOMER’

and h.jtot_object1_code =’OKX_PARTY’

and a.scs_code = ‘SERVICE’

and a.sts_code =’ACTIVE’

and b.sts_code =’ACTIVE’

and a.contract_number = :p_ contract_number



Conclusion: This SQL query provides information about the details of the service contract.

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