
Starting from ORDS 22.1, the installation process has changed. Instead of running the ords.war file directly, the ords script located in the bin directory is used for managing ORDS installations and configurations. This document provides a step-by-step guide to installing ORDS 24.2 on a Linux server.

Step 1: Download and Extract ORDS Software

Download the ORDS 24.2 software from the official Oracle website.

Extract the software to a preferred location,

unzip -d /u01/softwares/ords24

Step 2: Set Environment Variables

To simplify command execution, add the ORDS bin folder to the PATH environment variable:

echo -e ‘export PATH=”$PATH:/u01/softwares/ords24/bin”‘ >> ~/.bash_profile

source ~/.bash_profile

Step 3: Configure ORDS Configuration Directory

1)Create a directory to store ORDS configuration files:

mkdir -p /u01/softwares/ords_config

2)Set the ORDS configuration directory:

export ORDS_CONFIG=/u01/softwares/ords_config


Expected Output:


Step 4: Configure ORDS Logs Directory

Create a directory for ORDS log files:

mkdir -p /u01/softwares/ords_logs

Set the ORDS logs directory:

export ORDS_LOGS=/u01/softwares/ords_logs

echo $ORDS_LOGS  # To verify the path

Expected Output:


Step 5: Perform ORDS Installation

Run the ORDS installation in interactive mode:

ords install –interactive –log-folder /u01/softwares/ords_logs

Installation Process:

Select the database connection method from the provided options.

Provide administrator credentials (e.g., SYS AS SYSDBA).

Choose whether to install ORDS in the database.

Accept or modify the default installation settings.

Specify or generate passwords for the runtime user.

Example Selection:

Choose [1]:

Enter the administrator username: sys

Enter the database password for SYS AS SYSDBA:

Choose [A]:

Choose [G]: S

Enter the database password for ORDS_PUBLIC_USER:

Confirm password:

Choose [A]:

Step 6: Post-Installation Checks

Verify installation logs:

cat /u01/softwares/ords_logs/ords_cdb_install_*.log

Validate ORDS configuration settings:

ords config list


The ORDS 24.2 installation has been successfully completed on the Linux server. ORDS is now configured with the necessary environment settings and installed in the database. Future configurations and deployments can be managed using the ORDS command-line interface.

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