Work in Process module in Oracle E-Business Suite is used to record manufacturing transactions for discrete Manufacturing. An Assembly or subassembly is considered as normal Manufacturing. Repetitive Manufacturing is Manufacturing of the same Assembly are subassembly in a Production line continuously.
Ex: Manufacturing of a Car Assembly in a Production line
Setups required to perform Repetitive Manufacturing Transactions
Define Work in Process Parameter
Select below options in Repetitive parameter in Work in Process Parameter will affect repetitive manufacturing. The Other setups in the WIP parameter are same as discrete manufacturing.
Recognize Period Variances
Determines which repetitive schedule variances are posted to the general ledger when an accounting period is closed. The options are as follows:
All Schedules; Post variances for all repetitive schedules.
Cancelled and Complete-No Charges Only: Post variances for repetitive schedules with statuses of Cancelled or Complete-No Charges.
Auto release Days
Determines the time period within which the system automatically releases the next unreleased schedule.
When you complete a repetitive schedule, the system searches within the auto release time frame for an unreleased schedule, or for a schedule with a status of Released, Complete, or On Hold. If one exists, the status of the newly completed schedule changes to Complete-No Charges and the future schedule is automatically released. If no such schedule exists, the status of the schedule changes to Complete. If more than one schedule exists within the auto release time frame, only one schedule is released.
Define WIP Accounting class for Repetitive Schedules
Setup Work In Process Profile options
Please refer WIP User guide for Profile option details.
Name |
Catg |
Req? |
Default Value |
Processing Modes |
Req |
Online processing |
Processing Modes |
Req |
Online processing |
User Interface |
Req |
Job |
Behavior |
Option |
Item /Subinventory |
Processing Modes |
Req |
Online processing |
User Interface |
Req |
Job |
Processing Modes |
Req |
Online processing |
User Interface |
Req |
Job |
User Interface |
Req |
None |
User Interface |
Req |
Job |
User Interface |
Req |
Unscheduled |
Processing Modes |
Req |
On-line processing |
User Interface |
Req |
No |
Processing Modes |
Req |
Interactive definition |
Processing Modes |
Option |
No |
User Interface |
Req |
None |
Behavior |
Option |
No |
Behavior |
Option |
No |
Behavior |
Req |
Open |
Behavior |
Req |
Yes |
User Interface |
Req |
No |
Behavior |
Req |
View all subinventories |
Behavior |
Option |
No |
Behavior |
Req |
Yes |
Define Routing for Assembly
Perform Routing Setup for the Assembly which is required for Repetitive schedules. ( Refer BOM Setup document for detailed setup Step)
Define BOM for Repetitive Assembly.
Perform Bill of Materials for the Repetitive Assembly. (Refer BOM Setup document for detailed Setup Steps)
Define Production Line (WIP→Setup→Production Lines)
Create Production line for each line of Production with Minimum and maximum number of Items can be produced in one Hour. Enter Start time and End time of the Production and lead time. Tolerance Fences is required to alter the line rate in Flow manufacturing
Setup Associate Lines and Assembly ( WIP→Repetitive→Associate Lines and Assembly)
Associate Production Line and Assembly and enter Completion Sub Inventory , Supply type and Over Completion type and Value if applicable.
Now all relevant setups are completed to create Repetitive schedule to manufacture the Assembly. This is equal to creating a Job for Discrete Job.
Create Repetitive Schedule
Create Repetitive Schedule ( WIP→Repetitive→ Repetitive Schedule)
Select Line “SKM Line-1” and associated Assembly “SKM Car” with default status “Unreleased”. Enter daily quantity of Production. System will prompt a note if the entered quantity is exceeds daily production rate as per the Production hourly rate and Production line operation time.
Enter no of production days and Enter First Unit Start date and save the Record. System will automatically calculate First unit completion date and time and Last Unit Start date and End date.
Release Repetitive Schedule ( WIP→Repetitive→ Repetitive Schedule)
Update the status to “Released” to release the Production line to perform Material Transactions and Move Transactions.
WIP Material Issue to Repetitive Schedule
WIP Issue of Repetitive Schedule ( WIP→Material Transactions→WIP Material Transaction)
Enter Line and Assembly details and Sect Type as “WIP Issue” and Schedule days as 1 to release the material for 1 day Production. Enter 5, if you require 5 days material. The system automatically calculates the total number of required quantities of each material as per the schedule days. Complete the WIP Material Issue Transaction.
To check the Quantity of the Material Issued to the job, navigate to Job/Schedules→Material Requirement Window. Query the Assembly using Line and Assembly details. System will show the Repetitive quantities.
WIP Move Transaction of Repetitive Schedule
WIP Move Transaction :
Perform WIP move transaction once the Operations are completed to Final To move Step and Enter quality Results if required to complete the Step
WIP Completion of Repetitive Schedule
WIP Completion: (WIP→Material Transaction →Completion Transaction)
Perform WIP completion Transaction once the material is available to Complete similar to Discrete Job Completion
Go to Repetitive →Repetitive Schedule to view the status of the schedule
The Completed quantity is updated in the Field.
Complete the remaining quantity.
Re query Repetitive →Repetitive Schedule to see the update in the schedule.
Now System updated the fields Quantity ahead and Days Ahead fields as we have completed the schedule before scheduled date. Quantity Scrapped field will get updated if we have scraped any quantity during WIP Move Process.
Over Completion of Repetitive Schedule
To over complete the Assembly navigates to Completion Transaction Menu and Query the Line and Assembly. “Check” Over Completion option and enter the Quantity within the Tolerance limit. We have set 10% as Over completion tolerance in Production Line. Hence the Over completion quantity is 25 (10% of 250). Enter 25 as quantity and complete the Transaction.
System will not allow processing of WIP Completion transaction when the quantity is more than tolerance quantity. System will show an error message as below.
Re query repetitive schedule to see the quantity completed in the schedule. Also, the status of the schedule will be updated as “Complete” as all the planned quantities are completed.
Purge Repetitive Schedule
System does not have the functionality to close the job like discrete Job closure if all the quantities are completed in schedules. However system has the option to purge the repetitive schedule is it is not required.
Update status as “Complete-No Charge” or “Cancelled” of the schedule to stop using the schedule and to start purging and save the status
Go to Purge Repetitive schedules menu and Query the Line and assembly with Cutoff date.
Select an accounting Period or enter a Cutoff Date for the purge. System will purge the repetitive schedule which are in cancelled or Complete-No Charges status with in closed inventory accounting period cutoff date.
You can query by closed accounting Period. When you select an accounting period, the end date of that period is defaulted as the purge Cutoff date and cannot be overridden.
If you do not select an accounting Period, the cutoff date of the most recently closed accounting period is defaulted. You can override this date with any date in a closed period.
Note: When purging repetitive schedules, the date a repetitive schedule was changed to Complete-No Charges or Cancelled is compared to the purge cutoff date. Only repetitive schedules that were set to Complete-No Charges or Cancelled on or before the cutoff date are purged.
Note: If you enter a cutoff date that is earlier than the date a repetitive schedule was changed to Complete-No Charges or Cancelled, the system purges only the repetitive schedule detail and transaction information up to the date you enter.
This post explains about Repetitive Manufacturing in work in process.
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