OTM Generate or creation New “Location”


  1. Go to Home (home screen).


  1. Enter Shipment Management.

  1. Enter BLK Location Manager.

  1. The Location Finder menu will be displayed and click on “New”


  1. The “Location” window will be enabled with the “Identification” tab, in which the requested data must be filled.


NOTE:It should be noted that “Location” are collection and delivery points, for which reason you will be registered with operational information, NOT FISCAL.


  1. Fill in the following fields:


The registration of the locations is carried out in the following way:


  • For plants related to warehouses, customers and/or suppliers, the location will be formed:ID of the service provider_ + IATA code of the city (consult the IATA catalogue).

Example: 46088_MEX (DHL, Mexico City).

  • For customs:A + Customs number.

Example: A800 (customs of Colombia, NL.)

  • For ports:Two-character country code + 3-character city code.

Example: MXZLO (port of Manzanillo, Mexico).

  • Domain Name:
  • Location Name:Plant name.
  • Location Description:Plant name.

NOTE:The “LTL” and “Active” boxes should be selected as shown in the image.



  1. Fill in the “Address” section the fields related to the location of the location to register.


  • Address line:Physical address of the location or plant where the maneuvers, collection or delivery will take place.

NOTE:Avoid any type of special character, periods or accents.

  • City:City where the plant or location is located.


  • Country code:Put the country code to 3 characters.

Example, MEX.


  • Time Zone:America/Mexico_city (example).


  • Latitude and longitude:Cartesian coordinates to 5 digits. (MANDATORY INFORMATION).


NOTE:The fields in yellow must be filled in on a mandatory basis.

  1. Continue with the “Roles” tab


NOTE:In “Location Profiles” add the “Location Role” of “SHIPFROM/SHIPTO”


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