- The intent of this document is to find out the request set name of given concurrent Program and the details of programs attached in the Request Set.
Why we need to do
- Sometime concurrent programs require running through the Request Set instead of single request to follow the business cycle. It is a set of concurrent programs which is associated with the Request set.
How to resolve
- To get the Request Set information of a program from below Query.
Query 1:
SELECT DISTINCT user_request_set_name, user_concurrent_program_name FROM fnd_request_sets_tl rs, fnd_request_set_programs rsp, fnd_concurrent_programs_tl cp WHERE rsp.concurrent_program_id = cp.concurrent_program_id AND rs.request_set_id = rsp.request_set_id AND Upper(user_concurrent_program_name) = Upper(:enter_prog_name) |
- To get the details of concurrent program information of a Request Set from below Query.
Query 2
SELECT rs.user_request_set_name “set Name”, rs.request_set_name “Set code”, rs.description “Description”, rss.display_sequence seq, cp.user_concurrent_program_name “Concurrent Program”, ap.application_name “Application”, e.executable_name “Executable”, e.execution_file_name “Executable File”, lv.meaning “Executable Type” FROM apps.fnd_request_sets_vl rs, apps.fnd_req_set_stages_form_v rss, applsys.fnd_request_set_programs rsp, apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_vl cp, apps.fnd_executables e, apps.fnd_lookup_values lv, apps.fnd_application_vl ap WHERE rs.application_id = rss.set_application_id AND rs.request_set_id = rss.request_set_id AND rss.set_application_id = rsp.set_application_id AND rss.request_set_id = rsp.request_set_id AND rss.request_set_stage_id = rsp.request_set_stage_id AND rsp.program_application_id = cp.application_id AND rsp.concurrent_program_id = cp.concurrent_program_id AND cp.executable_id = e.executable_id AND cp.executable_application_id = e.application_id AND e.application_id = ap.application_id AND lv.lookup_type = ‘CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE’ AND lv.lookup_code = e.execution_method_code AND rs.user_request_set_name = :request_name AND lv.language = ‘US’ |
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