1. Overview

This document will explain about how to display real time notification to the users in Oracle Apex.

2. Technologies and Tools Used

The following technology has been used to implement the real time notification feature,

  • Oracle Apex
  • PL/SQL
  • Javascript

3. Use Case

RealTime Notification is an automated system that sends you an alert whenever your desired information changes. so users can receive updates and notifications directly on the website itself rather than going to Gmail and other mail service providers.

4. Steps with Screenshot

Steps to be followed,

Step 1:  Create a table for having notification details like the below one.

CREATE TABLE fin_user_notifications
     notification_id      NUMBER,
     notification_dtls   VARCHAR2(4000),
     created_by          VARCHAR2(100),
     created_date      DATE,
     seen_time          TIMESTAMP (6),
     seen_type          VARCHAR2(1),
     message_from       VARCHAR2(100),
     message_to           VARCHAR2(100)

Step 2:  Create a new page in oracle APEX and then create a AJAX Callback process on the page with the name of createNotificationObject. The process name can be of anything. Paste the following code in the body of the  createNotificationObject process.


  notification_msg  VARCHAR2(4000);

  msg_seen          VARCHAR2(10);

  p_notification_id NUMBER;

  l_not_seen        NUMBER;




INTO l_not_seen

from fin_user_notifications

where NVL(seen_type,’N’)=’N’;




 IF l_not_seen>0


  SELECT   notification_dtls,



  INTO      notification_msg,



  FROM     fin_user_notifications

  WHERE    seen_time IS NULL

  ORDER BY notification_id

  fetch first 1 ROWS ONLY;


  apex_json.WRITE(‘MESSAGE’, notification_msg);

  apex_json.WRITE(‘SEEN_TYPE’, msg_seen);


  UPDATE fin_user_notifications

  SET    seen_time =  localtimestamp,

         seen_type     =  ‘Y’

  WHERE  notification_id = p_notification_id;






Step 3: Create a IIFE(Immediately Invoked Function Expression) in the Page level function and global variable declaration section as follows.It is like a recursive function-it calls by itself untill there is no record with column value of seen_type as ‘N’.


    (function loop(i) {

   setTimeout(function() {

       apex.server.process (




              async     : true,

              dataType  : ‘json’,

              success   : function(data) {

                              if (data.MESSAGE) {

                                   if (data.SEEN_TYPE == ‘N’) {








   }, 4000);







Step 4: Finally, when we insert a row in the fin_user_notifications table with seen_type  is set as ‘N’, immediately you will get notified with the notification message at page level as follows.


INSERT INTO fin_user_notifications
                        ’This is a notification’,
                        ’ ‘,



5. Conclusion

This is all about how to display real time notification in Oracle APEX. We can further customize the notification display based on user requirement with the help of CSS and HTML.


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