After EBS Test Clone EBS Prod URL Redirecting to EBS Test URL.
EBSTEST Node Name is Added into EBS PROD’s Node table.
Remove the EBSTEST Node name from EBSPROD’s Node table.
- Check AD/TXK levels of EBSPROD .Login as apps user and Run below sql
select f.release_name, t.abbreviation, t.codelevel
from apps.fnd_product_groups f,ad_trackable_entities t
where abbreviation in (‘txk’,’ad’)
- Backup the fnd_oam_context_files, fnd_nodes, and adop_valid_nodes tables, and if on AD/TXK 8 or higher;ad_nodes_config_status in the EBS PROD.
- Login as apps user
- create table fnd_oam_context_files_bkp as select * from fnd_oam_context_files;
- create table fnd_nodes_bk as select * from fnd_nodes;
- create table adop_valid_nodes_bk as select * from adop_valid_nodes;
- Truncate the following tables
- truncate table fnd_oam_context_files;
- truncate table fnd_nodes;
- truncate table adop_valid_nodes;
- Run AutoConfig on the DB tier
- cd $ORACLE_HOME/ appsutil/scripts/<EBSPRD_dbs>
Confirm Autoconfig completes successfully.
- Run Autoconfig on the run file system.
- Run Autoconfig on the patch file system.
- Before running Autoconfig on the patch file system the ebs_login trigger MUST be disabled.
- This needs to be done as the SYSTEM schema user.
alter trigger ebs_logon disable;
- Run autoconfig with the patch env sourced
- Enable the ebs_login trigger using the following SQL
alter trigger ebs_logon enable;
- Check the Node Name.
select node_id, platform_code, support_db D, support_cp C, support_admin A, support_forms F, support_web W, node_name, server_id, server_address, domain, webhost, virtual_ip, status fnd_nodes order by node_id;
Refer Doc ID 2064223.1