Some useful fnd scripts which available in $FND_TOP/sql directory

FNDATPRG.sql  Purge audit trail tables before a given date

FNDCPDC2.sql  Delete a concurrent program and SRS definition if needed, calls FNDCPDCP.sql

FNDCPDCP.sql  Delete a concurrent program and SRS definition if needed

fndfbdpm.sql  Deletes a flexbuilder parameter.

fndfbfxn.sql  Generate a list of FlexBuilder functions and parameters for a given application. Some parameters have multiple definitions, but this report lists each parameter only once.

fndfbprm.sql  Generate a list of FlexBuilder functions and parameters, including detailed information about how the parameter is defined for a given application. This report includes all definitions for each parameter, ordered by sequence number. The information in this report corresponds to information in the Define FlexBuilder Parameters form.

fndffbdd.sql  Finds independant segment values which don’t have the default dependant segment value defined for them.

FNDFFCVS.sql  Copy flexfield value set from one database to another creates a sql script filename.sql which can be run on another database to copy value sets

FNDFFDDS.sql  Delete a descriptive flexfield definition from AOL tables

FNDFMFXR.sql  Forms Trigger Exception Report

fndgofpr.sql  Creates Grants Only for a Full PRivileged Oracle ID. This assumes fndgsspr.sql was run first to create a limited set of SELECT only privileges which are not recreated here.

fndgsnpa.sql  Revokes all AOL grants and drops all AOL synonyms from a user. Must also revoke synonym GL_CURRENCIES which uses FND_CURRENCIES.

fndgsspr.sql  Creates Grants and Synonyms for a Select only Privileged Oracle ID.

FNDMDCMR.sql  Creates a report of all messages for an application in the given language.The report is located in the application’s message directory and has the name {language short name}.FDDTMFEXT. For example: /applications/fnd/5.0/mesg/usaeng.msg. The standalone FNDMDCMF (Create Message File) runs this report after creating the binary message file to produce a human-readable version.

fndmncpy.sql  Copy application menus to another, custom application (Rel. 9 to 10 backup)

FNDNLADD.sql  Add missing translation rows for FND _TL tables.

FNDNLCHK.sql  Check _TL tables for inconsistent or missing translation data. FNDNLCHK does not fix anything, it only reports bad data. Use FNDNLADD to fix errors found by FNDNLCHK.

fndnlhlp.sql  Updates fnd_loader_formats

FNDNLICR.sql  NLS Insert non-ISO currency

FNDNLINS.sql  Update _TL tables to populate rows for new language when a new language is installed.

FNDNLMVL.sql  Install multi-language versions of _VL views.

fndnmts.sql   Populate FND%_TL subtables with data from main FND% tables ( In 10.5 this script is superceded by FNDNLADD.sql and should not be used by customers. )

fndnstm.sql   Populate FND_ main tables with data from subtables.

fndrspfm.sql  Report on Users who Access a Given Form

FNDRSTST.sql  SRS Test Program – expects three arguments and prints them

fndscats.sql  Signon Audit Time Stamp


FNDSCGRP.sql  Reports on which applications, sets and programs have been assigned to which responsibility. Accepts application name and responsibility name.

FNDSCPRG.sql  Purge signon audit tables from given date

FNDUDUAL.sql  This script ensures only one record exists in FND_DUAL.

fndutcsq.sql  Converts rows in FND_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_CONTROL to Sequences

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