Step 1: List the disks using the below command.

#oracleasm listdisks

Step 2: Create the oracleasm disk using the below command.

#oracleasm createdisk ARCH03  /dev/mapper/DISK014_ARCH_4T1

Step 3: Scan the disks using the below command on the other node.

#oracleasm scandisks

Step 4: Verify the header status of the path is provisioned using the below query.

select path, group_number group_#, disk_number disk_#, mount_status,header_status, state, total_mb, free_mb from v$asm_disk order by group_number;

Step 5: Find the compatible values for the asm attributes using the below query.

SELECT NAME,VALUE,GROUP_NUMBER FROM v$asm_attribute where name like ‘%com%’;

compatible.asm       1

compatible.rdbms     1

compatible.advm       1

Step 6: Create the diskgroup for the acfs filesystem using the below command.

CREATE DISKGROUP FRA EXTERNAL REDUNDANCY DISK ‘/dev/oracleasm/disks/ARCH03’ NAME FRA_01 ATTRIBUTE ‘compatible.asm’ = ‘’,

‘compatible.rdbms’=’’ ,

‘compatible.advm’ = ‘’;

Step 7: Verify the diskgroup has been created using the below query.

SELECT name, free_mb, total_mb, ((total_mb-free_mb)/total_mb)*100 as “USED %”, free_mb/total_mb*100 “FREE%” from v$asm_diskgroup order by 1;

Step 8: Mount the diskgroup using the below command.


Step 9: Create the volume using the below command and verify the created volume information using the below command.

volcreate -G FRA -s 4000G acfsarch

volinfo -G FRA acfsarch

Step 10: Create the acfs file system
mkfs -t acfs -f /dev/asm/acfsarch-243

Step 11: Create a directory from the root user and provide the required privilege (in both nodes)

mkdir -p /acfsarch

chown oracle:oinstall /acfsarch

Step 12: Register the file system using the below command from the root user and verify the file system on both the nodes.

/sbin/acfsutil registry -a  /dev/asm/acfsarch-243  /acfsarch -u oracle

df -h /acfsarch

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