Testing REST API with dummy data using RestSharp in C#
Table of Contents
1. Overview
The main persistence of RestSharp is to make synchronous and asynchronous calls to remote resources over HTTP. However, RestSharp can call any API over HTTP, if you have the resource URI and request parameters that you want to send observe with W3C HTTP standards.
One of the main challenges of using HTTP APIs for .NET developers is to work with requests and responses of different kinds and translate them to complex C# types. RestSharp take care of serializing the request body to JSON or XML and deserialize the response. It can also form a valid request URI based on different parameter kinds – path, query or form.
2. Technologies and Tools Used
Below are the technologies has been used in this project
- .Net
- RestSharp-Package
3. Create Application
- Here I have created Console Application in C#.
- After creating application, right click on the project and select Manage Nuget Packages
- Here we have to find and install RestSharp package.
- Select the RESTSharp package and click on Install. It will automatically install this package into project
- By using this package in the project, we have to include namespace for that like below
- Below is the code to generate dummy data for RESTAPI.
- Below is the output of that one.
4. Conclution
By using this RestSharp, we can easily test our API’s with some fake data