To update the invoice distribution accounting date. 

  • The business mistakenly entered the GL accounting date Jun-26 instead of Nov-23 and the invoice is cancelled. We are updating the invoice distribution accounting date. 


  1. Go to setup and Maintenance > Financials  > Global Search Task > Manage Administrator Profile Values 
  2. Follow the below steps to fix the invoice distribution accounting date. 

STEP 1: Use the below action plan to un-account the invoice. 

  1. Create profile option with name AP_SHBYIV_ENABLE

Navigate to: Setup and Maintenance -> Manage Profile Options -> New -> 

Create Profile Option as: 

– Profile Option Code: AP_SHBYIV_ENABLE 

– Profile Display Name: AP_SHBYIV_ENABLE 

– Application: Payables 

– Module: Invoices 

– Description: Self Healing Profile 

– Start Date: 01/01/2000 

– End Date: Leave Blank 

Save and close. 

  1. Set Profile Option Level for the profile option:

User level: Enable and Updatable checked 

Save and close. 

  1. Set the profile value:

Navigate to: Setup and Maintenance -> Manage Administrator Profile Values 

Search for Profile Option Code: AP_SHBYIV_ENABLE 

Set Profile Value as: 

Profile Level = User 

* Username = <Choose the user who has Accounts Payable Manager or equivalent role> 

* Profile Value = Y 

  1. Create profile option with name AP_SHBYIV_UNDO_INVOICE_ACCOUNTING

Navigate to: Setup and Maintenance -> Manage Profile Options -> New -> 

Create Profile Option as: 



– Application: Payables 

– Module: Invoices 

– Description: Self Healing Profile 

– Start Date: 01/01/2000 

– End Date: Leave Blank 

Save and close. 

  1. Set Profile Option Level for the profile option:

User level: Enable and Updatable checked 

Save and close. 

  1. Set the profile value:

Navigate to: Setup and Maintenance -> Manage Administrator Profile Values 

Search for Profile Option Code: AP_SHBYIV_UNDO_INVOICE_ACCOUNTING 

Set Profile Value as: 

* Profile Level = User 

* Username = <Choose the user who has Accounts Payable Manager or equivalent role> 

* Profile Value = <Invoice ID> 

  1.  Create profile option with name AP_SHBYIV_UNDO_INVOICE_DATE

Navigate to: Setup and Maintenance -> Manage Profile Options -> New -> 

Create Profile Option as: 


– Profile Display Name: AP_SHBYIV_UNDO_INVOICE_DATE 

– Application: Payables 

– Module: Invoices 

– Description: Self Healing Profile 

– Start Date: 01/01/2000 

– End Date: Leave Blank 

Save and close. 

  1. Set Profile Option Level for the profile option:

User level: Enable and Updatable checked 

Save and close. 

   9. Set the profile value:

Navigate to: Setup and Maintenance -> Manage Administrator Profile Values 

Search for Profile Option Code: AP_SHBYIV_UNDO_INVOICE_DATE 

Set Profile Value as: 

* Profile Level = User 

* Username = <Choose the user who has Accounts Payable Manager or equivalent role> 

* Profile Value = <Undo date in DD-MON-YYYY format> (Make sure date is for open period in AP and GL and provide a date where you want the reversal of the invoice) 

  1. Login as the user for whom the profile was set. Navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes. Submit the ‘Validate Payables Invoice’ ESS job by passing Invoice Num: <Invoice num> as Input Parameter.
  2. Verify the invoice shows as “Unaccounted”.
  3. Disable the Profile options created above (Go to Manage Profile Options and Uncheck Enable and Updatable)

STEP 2: ( Since the invoice is already cancelled and un-accounted after step-1, we will mark the events as NU (Not required) and account them again, so that there is no impact in GL) 

  1. Create profile option with code and name as AP_SHBYIV_ENABLE.
  2. Set profile option value as Y for User
  3. Create profile option with code and name as AP_SHBYIV_MARK_UNACCT_INVOICE_EVENTS2_NU

And Set profile option value as invoice_id for User 

  1. Login with same user and Run Invoice Validation ESS Job by passing Invoice

Number as input parameter. 

  1. Run Create Accounting to complete the fix. The Create Accounting process will update the event status to P/P and posted flags to Y. (There will be no impact as the invoice is already cancelled.)

After transaction is corrected. 






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