
In the demanding environment of database administration, managing multiple tasks efficiently is vital. For Oracle DBAs working on Linux systems, tmux (Terminal Multiplexer) is an essential tool. It enables you to switch between various database management tasks in a single terminal, detach and reattach to terminal sessions, and maintain organized workflows. Starting from Oracle Linux 8, tmux has replaced Screen as the preferred terminal multiplexer, offering enhanced features and usability. This blog post will guide you through the basics of starting, detaching, listing, and attaching tmux sessions, providing you with a powerful method to enhance your productivity and manage your Oracle database environments more effectively.

Starting a New tmux Session

To begin with tmux, you’ll want to create a new session. This is the foundation of all your work within tmux. To start a new session, use the following command:

tmux new -s <session_name>

Replace `<session_name>` with a meaningful name that helps you identify the session later. For instance, if you are working on a project called “ProjectX,” you might start a session with:


tmux new -s ProjectX

This command initiates a new tmux session named “ProjectX,” where you can run multiple terminal commands and programs.


Detaching from a tmux Session

One of the key features of tmux is the ability to detach from a session without terminating it. This allows you to leave your tasks running in the background and return to them later. To detach from a tmux session, use the following shortcut:

ctrl+b, then d

This is a two-step shortcut: first, press `ctrl+b` to enter tmux command mode, and then press `d` to detach. Your session will continue to run in the background, allowing you to perform other tasks or log out of the terminal without losing your work.


Listing tmux Sessions

After detaching from a session or if you have multiple tmux sessions running, you might need to list all active sessions to manage them effectively. To see a list of all tmux sessions, use:

tmux ls

This command displays a list of all active sessions, along with their names and unique identifiers. For example, you might see something like this:


0: ProjectX (detached)

1: Database (detached)

This output indicates that there are two detached sessions named “ProjectX” and “Database.”


Attaching to a tmux Session

To resume work in a previously detached session, you need to attach to it. This can be done with the following command:

tmux attach-session -t <session_name>

Again, replace `<session_name>` with the name of the session you wish to attach to. For example, to reattach to the “ProjectX” session, you would use:


tmux attach-session -t ProjectX

This command brings you back into the “ProjectX” session, allowing you to pick up right where you left off.


Mastering tmux can significantly enhance your productivity by enabling you to manage multiple terminal sessions efficiently. By starting new sessions, detaching when needed, listing active sessions, and reattaching to continue your work, you can keep your projects organized and your workflow uninterrupted. Incorporate these basic tmux commands into your daily routine, and experience a more streamlined and efficient terminal management process.

Happy tmux-ing!

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