Performance issues in the application are the most common thing in every organization, almost in every product. Oracle performance issues are prevalent in E-business suite product. 

But understanding issues from customers/users and focusing on resolving the problems are critical in triaging the performance issues. 

Here we will discuss for E-business suite DBA’s about how to triage these issues. 


Don’t forget 5W’s: 

What: Understand the core of the issues. What is the issue? What is working and not working? 

Which:  Which database has these issues? Development or Test or Prod. 

Where: Find out where the problem is? Is that in the application layer or browser issues, or database layer? 

When: When did this issue occur? Try to get details and check if the problems arise in some pattern of timing. 

Why:  Ask the user why do you perform this in the database? Know about the background of the issues. 


Best Practices: 

 Most of the common performance problems are not because of the product but missing a few things to implement in the long run. Always think about the future and foresee any issues and implement that functionality and it should take care of the product and prevent running into performance issues. 

 We list a few basic common things implemented in E-business suite that will help in the long run without degrading the EBS performance. 

Purge using oracle standard programs to purge concurrent requests/outputs and standard/custom interface tables. 

  1. Ensure the data is archived or purged like workflow/concurrent program/ICX sessions/Auditing data. 
  2. Ensure there are no unnecessary backup tables created. Backup tables are often created before updating any record in the production instance and leaving that backup table forever without dropping the backup table. 
  3. Monitor your system with monitoring scripts/tools which alert unusual growth of any files in the filesystem. 

 Following the above will help your production system and prevents any unnecessary performance problems. 

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