
/u01/app/122/fs1/EBSapps/comn/java/classes/oracle/apps/fnd/txk/util/txkISGConfigurator.xml:1756: ${patchContextFile} doesn’t exist !

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. “ant -f $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/fnd/txk/util/txkISGConfigurator.xml ebsSetup -DforceStop=yes”

There was a missing entry in this table for the patch file system


Please execute the following steps:

1. Run Autoconfig on the patch file system

a. To run Autoconfig from the patch file system you must disable trigger ebs_login prior to running autoconfig
b. Disable the ebs_login trigger for patch file system “alter trigger ebs_logon disable” – Ensure you are logged in as the system user
c. Now run autoconfig with the patch env sourced
d. Make sure Autoconfig completes ok
e. Enable the login trigger “alter trigger ebs_logon enable”

2. Re-execute this query to find out if the other row is created

select name, path, status from fnd_oam_context_files where CTX_TYPE = ‘A’ and name not in (‘TEMPLATE’,’METADATA’) and (status is null or status !=’H’);

3. If 2 rows are returned, one for context for run and the other one for patch file system, please run the txkISGConfigurator.xml again.


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