
Unordered material consists of items that arrive at the warehouse without documentation, such as a purchase order. You must match unordered receipts to a valid document before you can inspect or put away the receipt lines.

Allow Unordered receipts allows to receive the goods without a PO. But these goods can only be sent to the receiving area and not for the sub-inventory.

Later we have to raise a PO then match against the receipt to allow the goods to reach the required sub-inventory.


Firstly enable “Allow Unordered Receipts” in Receiving Options in purchasing.


Responsibility: Purchasing.


NAV: Setup—-Organizations——Receiving Options.



Enable “Allow Unordered Receipts” and save the record.


Step 1: Enter the receipts.


NAV: Receiving——–Receipts.


Click On “Unordered” option. (This option will not be available if you do not check the Unordered Receipt option in receiving options)



Enter the “Supplier Name” in the Receipt Header page and then enter Item, UOM, Quantity in Receipts page and save.

Step 2: Enter the PO for the above Receipt.

NAV: Purchase Orders——- Purchase orders.

Enter and approve the Purchase order for the same item and quantity, price, and supplier, which we have made the receipting.

Step 3: Matching the Receipts with PO.

NAV: Receipts—— Match Unordered Receipts.

Give the Receipt number and supplier and click on Find.

Now you will get the Item and supplier details.

Give the PO number, Line, and shipment line number and save.

Once saved, a concurrent program will run.

Give OK.

Now check the “Receiving Transaction Summary” form to check the transaction.

NAV: Receiving—–Receiving Transaction Summary.

You will find two lines (Unordered and match) as below. Check the destination type (Receiving), which means that the item is received to the receiving place and not yet moved to the required sub-inventory.

Step 4: Receiving to the sub-inventory.

Now we will receive the items from the receiving location to the sub-inventory.

NAV: Receipts— Receiving Transactions.

Give the PO number and find.

Give the destination type as Inventory where the sub-inventory (here FGI) becomes mandatory and save.

Now check the receiving transaction summary form, and you will now see an additional line as Deliver, which means the items is delivered to the specific sub-inventory.



Unordered receipts refer to received items that receivers could not match to purchase orders or return material authorizations


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