1. Overview

This document will be helpful to validate interactive report column value using dynamic action.

2. Technologies and Tools Used

The following technologies have been used to achieve this functionality,

  • SQL
  • Javascript

3. Use Case

I had a situation to restrict the user input based on the “helpline” column, if the helpline value is “Enter values as DD-MON-YY format” then the user should input the only date as DD-MON-YY format, else the validation should fire. If the ‘Helpline’ column value Is “Any Value” then it should not validate it.

4. Architecture 

Let us see step by step,

Step 1: Create an Interactive Report.


Step 2: Add a hidden column à apex_item.Hidden(p_idx => 15, p_value => helpline)

Step 3: Select “Inputvalue” column and disable Escape special characters.

Step 4: create dynamic action.

Event                    :  Change

Selection type     :  jQuery selector

jQuery Selector   :  input[name=”f02″]

Action : Javascript Expression


var ip_value = this.triggeringElement.value;
var target=apex.jQuery(this.triggeringElement).closest(‘tr’).find(‘input[name=”f15″]’).val();
   const  str2 =’DD-MON-YY’;
if (target.includes(str2))
 const regex = /\d{2}-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)-\d{2}/gi;
 const match = regex.exec(ip_value);
 const [day, month, year] = ip_value.split(‘-‘);
if ((!match) || (year < 0 || year > 99)) {
//  apex.jQuery(this.triggeringElement).closest(‘tr’).find(‘input[name=”f02″]’).val(”);
 alert(‘The date string is not valid. \n’+target);
}   }

5. Screen Shot

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