Introduction/ Issue:  Write the issue that you face or the issue that you want to provide a solution through this blog.

Zip code will be validated based on input parameters



Why we need to do / Cause of the issue: Write the details about the issue – how does it occur and what is the impact of it.

We can validate the correct zip code and avoid the characters and special characters.



How do we solve: Write the Query or the steps to solve the issue with your real-time example or scenarios. Note: do not mention any customer name / VPN details.

We can create one function in database and validate the zip code based on input parameters.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION FN_ZIPCODE_CHECK (ip_zip varchar2 ) return varchar2 IS

              i number := 0 ;

              lc_ret varchar2(50);

              lc_zip_char varchar2(1):= ‘Y’ ;

              ln_zip_cnt number(10) ;

              lc_zip varchar2(10) ;

              lc_zip1 varchar2(10) ;

              lc_can_zip varchar2(1) ;

              ln_space_cnt number := 0 ;


              lc_zip := ltrim(rtrim(ip_zip)) ;


              ln_zip_cnt := length(lc_zip );

              for i in 1..ln_zip_cnt


                             lc_zip_char := substr(lc_zip,i,1) ;

                             if ascii(lc_zip_char) = 32  then

                                           ln_space_cnt := ln_space_cnt + 1 ;

                                           if ln_space_cnt > 1 then

                                                          lc_ret := ‘Not Valid Zipcode’ ;

                                                          return lc_ret ;

                                           end if;    

                             elsif ascii(lc_zip_char) < 48 then

                                           lc_ret := ‘Not Valid Zipcode’ ;                                        

                                           return lc_ret ;

                             elsif ascii(lc_zip_char) > 57 then

                                           lc_ret := ‘Not Valid Zipcode’ ;                                        

                                           return lc_ret ;

                             end if ;

              end loop;


              if ln_zip_cnt = 6 then

                             lc_ret := ‘Valid Zipcode’ ;

                             return lc_ret ;

              elsif ln_zip_cnt <> 6 then

                             lc_ret := ‘Not Valid Zipcode’;

                             return lc_ret ;

              end if;






Here we are passing the zip code and get the result for valid.

Here we are passing the zip code with character and get the result for not valid.


Conclusion: How did we provide an effective solution and resolve that issue/ unique solution given etc.

We can validate all the zip codes and check it is valid or not valid.


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