Overview :

It’s used to reprocess the Apex Login Page using Number Captcha. After the reprocessing The Login Page will ask the correct answer. If we enter the correct answer, then the application will be opened. If we entered wrong it will shows Error Processing Validation.

Technologies and Tools Used :

The following technology has been used to achieve the same.

  • Oracle Apex
  • HTML
  • sql server

Use Case :

It is used to reprocess the Login Page with Captcha using validation.

Architecture :

The following steps will explain how to Login with Captcha in Apex

Step1 : Create 3Page items for P9999_PASSWORD

Step2 : Now we need to generate 2 random ID’s for P9999_ID1 & P9999_ID2 to display  the both page items in Login Page

After saving that page The Login Page will be displayed with 3Page Items like this

Step3 :For P9999_CAPTCHA Page Item need to add the Label as


<span style=”font-size:10px;”>&P9999_ID1. + &P9999_ID2.=?</span>

Select Template as Optional in Appearance Section.     Then Captcha section will display some value


Step4 :Now need to create a validation Captcha checking.

Function body:


if :P9999_ID1+ :P9999_ID2= :P9999_CAPTCHA


return true;


return false;

end if;


Step5 :Now hide both columns. Then save it.

If you entered wrong captcha, it shows error

If you entered correct Captcha, then the Login page will be displayed.


Note: I have used this query for the report

CREATE VIEW vEmployeeSalesOrders
SELECT Employees.EmployeeID,
SUM(price * quantity) AS SaleTotal,
FROM dbo.Employees
JOIN dbo.Sales ON Employees.EmployeeID = Sales.EmployeeID
JOIN dbo.Products ON Sales.ProductID = Products.ProductID
GROUP BY Employees.EmployeeID,

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