1. Overview

This Document will Explain How to Insert a new Record into an Interactive Grid using Java Scripts.

  1. Technologies and Tools Used

The following technology has been used to achieve the same.


Oracle Apex 22.2

  1. Use Case

It will help us to create or Insert a new Record into an Interactive Grid using Java Scripts

  1. Architecture.

          Step 1: Create interactive grid.

          Step 2: Create a New Input Region .

          Step 3: Create a Static ID for Interactive Grid.

        Step 4: Create Function and paste it in Function and Global variable Declaration Section.

JavaScript Query to insert Record in Interactive Grid.

function addToIg(){

//interactive grid Static ID

var $widget = apex.region(‘IGJS’).widget();

var $grid =$widget.interactiveGrid(‘getViews’,’grid’);

var $model =$grid.model;

var vname = $v(‘P1_NAME’);

//insert a New Record

var newRecordID = $model.insertNewRecord();

//get the New Record

var $newRecord = $model.getRecord(newRecordID);

//Update Record values



       Step 5: Create Dynamic action .

       Step 6 :Save the Changes.

  1. Out Put




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