
Information in this document applies to any platform.

Oracle Financials for India – Version 12.1.1 and later

India Tax Details is not available in the tools menu of any form/function in any of the responsibilities.
There is no changes in the menu, but none of the forms in the GST transaction flows show the India tax Details in the Tools menu.

India Tax Details should be available in the GST transaction flows forms.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Navigate to any form in the GST Transaction flows cycle (Sales Order, Shipping Transactions, Purchase Order, AR Transactions etc) and Query a transaction.
2. Go to Tools and find that there is no India Tax Details Form.

Cause of the issue:

The JAI Events are disabled.
Hence none of the GST validations will work and the Tools Personalization will not fire on any of the forms.

The second query from the following returned “UNCOMPLETED” status.

SELECT * FROM ad_events where owner =’JA’ and Event_Name = ‘JAI_EXISTENCE_OF_TABLES’;

SELECT * FROM ad_event_versions where event_id = <event_id from query 1>;

How do we solve:

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Enable the JAI Events by executing the below SQLs.

SELECT * FROM ad_events where owner =’JA’ and Event_Name = ‘JAI_EXISTENCE_OF_TABLES’;

SELECT * FROM ad_event_versions where event_id = <event_id from query 1>;

UPDATE ad_event_versions

SET status = ‘COMPLETED’,

last_update_date = SYSDATE

WHERE event_id =  <EventId From Above Query1>

AND version = <Version Number from the Query2>;


  1. Retest the issue.
  2. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.


After performing the above setup, Users can able to open the India tax details form in all the sub ledger responsibility.

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