
when we try to cancel a concurrent request using frontend “Cancel Request” button from the Administer > Concurrent > Manager form.
We are getting the following message:

“Request xxxxxx can no longer be cancelled. The Concurrent Manager Process that was running this request has exited abnormally. The ICM will mark this request as completed with error”


If we are not able to cancel the request from frontend we can do it in backend while concurrent is up.

Login as apps user.

1) Backup fnd_concurrent_requests table

2) SQL> UPDATE fnd_concurrent_requests
SET phase_code = ‘C’, status_code = ‘D’
WHERE Request_id=&request_id

–Here Request id is the request which we want to cancel….

–And Phase_code =’C’ means  “Completed”

— status_code = ‘D’  means “Cancelled”

3) Commit



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