Mongodb on linux

Mongodb version 3.4


Step -1

-Create a directory to keep the software

– Give full permission to the directory for Execute

Step -2

-Download software mongodb 3.4 v

– Use curl command to download or download it for out of the vm and move to the directory


Step -3

-After downloading unzip the software

-Unzip the tgz file

-After the extraction complete some directory will be created there mongodb is one of the directories

-Move the unzipped software to the mongodb directory

Step -4

-Source the path of bin of new mongodb

-Check after it the path is sourced correctly

-Create a directory name data where to store all the log and datafile will be stored


Step -4

-Run the following command to deploy mongodb

-This process will take some time to install the software

Step -5

-Check if the mongodb has been started or not

-In this case we can see the mongo db is in running state



Step -6

-Run the ./mongo and get into the shell

-While executing ./mongo this has to bee done in the bin directory

Step -7

-Here I have mentioned ./mongo test where test is my database name you can simply execute ./mongo to connect mongodb

– Executing the db commands show dbs , that has been executed successfully

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