Object Storage in Oracle Cloud: A Comprehensive Guide to Upload and Download Options



OCI stands tall as a fastest growing platform offering a suite of services, including powerful Object Storage. Object Storage provides scalable, secure, and flexible storage for a variety of data types. In this blog, we’ll drive into a journey through the Oracle Cloud, exploring the seamless processes of uploading and downloading objects within Oracle Object Storage

Understanding Oracle Object Storage

Before getting to know about uploading and downloading, let’s Come to know about the fundamentals of Oracle Object Storage.

Buckets: Objects in Oracle Object Storage are organized into containers called “buckets.” Think of them as high-level folders that help structure your stored data.

Objects: These are the actual files or data that you store within buckets. Objects can range from documents and images to large datasets.


Uploading Objects in Oracle Object Storage:

  1. Access Oracle Cloud Console:

Log in to the Oracle Cloud Console with your credentials. Navigate to the Object Storage service.

  1. Create a Bucket:

Start by creating a bucket to organize your objects. Specify a unique name and choose the compartment where you want the bucket to reside.

  1. Generate API Key:

Before proceeding, ensure you have the necessary API key for authentication. If you don’t have one, create an API key pair in the Identity and Access Management (IAM) section.

  1. Upload via Console:

Use the web console to upload objects directly. Navigate to the bucket, click “Upload Objects,” and select the files you want to upload. Add metadata if needed.

  1. Upload via OCI CLI:

For more advanced and automated uploads, leverage the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Command-Line Interface (OCI CLI). Use the oci os object put command:

oci os object put –bucket-name my-bucket –file /path/to/file.txt –name file.txt

6. Programmatic Uploads:

Developers can use OCI SDKs (Software Development Kits) to integrate object uploads into applications and workflows.


Downloading Objects from Oracle Object Storage

  1. Access Oracle Cloud Console:

Log in to the Oracle Cloud Console and navigate to the Object Storage service.

  1. Identify the Object:

Locate the object you want to download, either through the console or programmatically using the API.

  1. Download via Console:

Initiate a direct download from the console. Navigate to the object and click on the “Download” option.

  1. Download via OCI CLI:

Use the OCI CLI to download objects from the command line. The oci os object get command facilitates this process:

oci os object get –bucket-name my-bucket –object-name file.txt –file /local/path/file.txt

  1. Programmatic Downloads:

Developers can integrate object downloads into their applications using OCI SDKs, allowing for seamless and automated retrieval.

  1. Access Controls:

Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to download objects. Oracle Object Storage uses IAM (Identity and Access Management) policies for access control.


Oracle Cloud Infrastructure’s Object Storage emerges as a versatile and scalable solution for managing unstructured data. Whether you’re uploading vast datasets, multimedia files, or critical documents, understanding the nuances of uploading and downloading objects is essential. As you navigate the cloud terrain, leverage the flexibility and efficiency offered by Oracle Object Storage to propel your data management strategies to new heights of resilience and agility.

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