The “Accounts Payable Trial Balance” / “Open Account Balances Data Manager” report having severe performance issues. The rebuild it self taken more than 4 hours. Also there was too much child request start spawning in concurrent manager . It was showstopper during month end. We found a solution to overcome the issue as below :

Increase the processors and “Number of Processors” and “Processing Unit Size”:

a) Go to Payables Responsibility -> Open Account Balances Listing Definitions
b) Search for the Ledger “<YourLedgerName>”
c) Click on PROCESS OPTIONS button in ” Open Account Balances Listing Definitions ” screen.
d) Increase the “Number of Processors” to 10
e) Change the “Processing Unit Size” to 200.
f) Click on Apply.

After few minutes all requests are start progress and all are getting completed.

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