While trying to start the opmnctl services in idm we are getting 4200 error code as below

applmgr@*****:~ $
applmgr@*****:~ $ /*****/fmw/idm/instances/IDM_inst1/bin/opmnctl startall
opmnctl startall: starting opmn and all managed processes…
[2021-02-09T21:17:40-05:00] [opmn] [ERROR:1] [] [internal] /*****/fmw/idm/Oracle_IDM/opmn/bin/opmn: unexpected exit: status 4200
opmnctl startall: opmn failed to start.
applmgr@*****:~ $


The file system used by OHS got filled by 100% So OHS not starting because the file system is full (no space left).
In this case, it was because of core files building up over time.After removing several log files we again able to start he services.

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