When I initiated the grid patch, it failed while executing the prerequisite with the following errors: 

  • PRVF-4083: Node reachability check failed from node <NODE1>. 
  • PRKN-1035: Host unreachable.” 

Cause of Issue: 

  1. It will cause due to fail in network configuration between two nodes. 
  2. SSH connection was expired. 
  3. Ping utility fails between two nodes. 

Verify the connection in cluster level: 

From Node 1: Connected state 

oracle (+ASM1)$  cluvfy comp admprv -n all -o user_equiv -verbose 

Performing following verification checks … 

  User Equivalence … 

  Node Name                             Status 

  ————————————  ———————— 

  Node2                            passed 

    Checking user equivalence for user “oracle” on all cluster nodes …PASSED 

  From node     To node                   Status 

  ————  ————————  ———————— 

    Node2            Node1                SUCCESSFUL 

  User Equivalence …PASSED 

Verification of administrative privileges was successful. 

CVU operation performed:      administrative privileges 

Date:                         Aug 21, 2024 3:30:51 PM 

CVU version:         (062024×8664) 

Clusterware version: 

CVU home:                     /u01/local/oragrid/ 

Grid home:                    /u01/local/oragrid/ 

User:                         oracle 

Operating system:             Linux3.10.0-1160.118.1.el7.x86_64 

From Node 2: Failed state 

oracle (+ASM2)$ cluvfy comp admprv -n all -o user_equiv -verbose 

Performing following verification checks … 

  User Equivalence … 

  Node Name                             Status 

  ————————————  ———————— 

  Node1                            Failed 

    Node reachability check failed from Node1…..Failed 

  User Equivalence …Failed 

Verification of administrative privileges was Failed. 

Note: * If you see any failed state either from node1 or node2 due to PRVF-4083 & PRKN-1035 we need to do the check below.  

  • Cause: Network link to target node could not be verified using PING. 


  • Action: Verify network link to target node using the PING utility. 

From Node 1: 

$ ping <Node1_hostname> 

$ ping <Node2_hostname> 

From Node 2: 

$ ping <Node2_hostname> 

$ ping <Node1_hostname> 

If the ping utility fails, contact the OS team to make a connection between both nodes. 


The failure of the grid patch during the prerequisite phase was primarily due to network configuration issues between the nodes. Specifically, the errors indicate that the SSH connection had expired, and the ping utility was unable to establish communication between the nodes. Resolving these network connectivity problems is essential before reattempting the patch to ensure a successful and uninterrupted execution process. By addressing these issues, the grid patch can proceed without further complications, maintaining the integrity and availability of the database environment. 

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