Script to Extract the Onhand Qty Details for Non-Serial Items

Script to Extract the Onhand Qty Details for Non-Serial Items.

Cause of the issue:

In PO Migration from one unit to another unit and to validate the data, the script needs to create to check the onhand Qty for the Migrated Data.

How do we solve:
The below is the Script to Extract the Onhand Qty Details for Non-Serial Items.


SELECT ‘Miscellaneous receipt’ AS transaction_type, b.inventory_item_id,

mp.organization_name AS old_organization_name,

mp.organization_code AS old_organization_code, b.segment1 AS item_code,b.description,

a.subinventory_code AS sub_inventory,substr(b.segment1,1,2) item_product_type,

mil.concatenated_segments AS locators, b.primary_uom_code AS uom_code,

a.primary_transaction_quantity quantity,

/*  CASE

WHEN mmt.actual_cost = 0

THEN b.list_price_per_unit

ELSE mmt.actual_cost

END AS unit_cost,mmt.new_cost,*/mmt.actual_cost,

(SELECT concatenated_segments

FROM gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc

WHERE gcc.code_combination_id =


AS gl_account,

mp.organization_name LOCATION,

(SELECT mtr.reason_name

FROM mtl_transaction_reasons mtr

WHERE mtr.reason_id = mmt.reason_id) reason,

CAST (NULL AS CHAR (200)) AS trans_type_ref,

CAST (NULL AS CHAR (200)) AS serial_no,

(SELECT meaning

FROM fnd_lookup_values flv

WHERE flv.lookup_type =


AND flv.lookup_code = b.serial_number_control_code)


mmt.attribute1 AS parent_item, mmt.attribute3 AS oem_supplier,

mmt.attribute4 AS cost_centre,

mmt.attribute5 AS capex_deployment_category,

CAST (NULL AS CHAR (200)) asset_transfer_value,

CAST (NULL AS CHAR (200)) old_po_number,

CAST (NULL AS CHAR (200)) old_mrn_number,

CAST (NULL AS CHAR (200)) old_mrn_date,

CAST (NULL AS CHAR (200)) old_cost_center,

CAST (NULL AS CHAR (200)) customer_name,

(SELECT DISTINCT poh.attribute9

FROM po_headers_all poh,

rcv_transactions rcv,

rcv_shipment_lines rsl

WHERE rsl.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id

AND mmt.rcv_transaction_id = rcv.transaction_id

AND rsl.shipment_line_id = rcv.shipment_line_id) bu_code,

(SELECT DISTINCT poh.attribute10

FROM po_headers_all poh,

rcv_transactions rcv,

rcv_shipment_lines rsl

WHERE rsl.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id

AND mmt.rcv_transaction_id = rcv.transaction_id

AND rsl.shipment_line_id = rcv.shipment_line_id) cc_name,

TRUNC (mmt.transaction_date),b.inventory_asset_flag

FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail a,

mtl_system_items_b b,

org_organization_definitions mp,

mtl_item_locations_kfv mil,

mtl_material_transactions mmt,

mtl_secondary_inventories msi

WHERE 1 = 1

AND mp.organization_id = b.organization_id

AND a.organization_id = b.organization_id

AND a.inventory_item_id = b.inventory_item_id

AND mil.inventory_location_id = a.locator_id

AND mmt.transaction_id = a.update_transaction_id

AND mmt.organization_id = b.organization_id

AND mmt.inventory_item_id = b.inventory_item_id

AND b.serial_number_control_code != 5

AND b.inventory_item_status_code = ‘Active’

AND NVL (mp.operating_unit, 100) = 125

AND a.subinventory_code = msi.secondary_inventory_name

AND b.organization_id = msi.organization_id

AND TRUNC (mmt.transaction_date) > ’01-JAN-2021′


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