
The ADOP (Autonomous Database Operations) process is a crucial component of the Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) used during patching, cloning, and upgrades. During the validation phase of ADOP, a series of checks are performed to ensure the system is prepared for the upcoming operation. One of these checks involves verifying that the necessary ports for services like the Node Manager and WebLogic Server are available and not being used by other processes.

However, in some cases, you may encounter issues during this validation phase where the ADOP process fails due to port conflicts. Specifically, you may face errors indicating that ports such as Node Manager Port (5556) or WebLogic Admin Server Port (7001) are in use, which prevents the validation from proceeding.


While running the fs_clone phase of the ADOP process, you may see the following error message:


ADOP (C.Delta.15)

Session ID: 52 

Node: *****

Phase: fs_clone

Log: /*****/*****/*****/fs_ne/***/log/adop/52/******_215641/fs_clone/****/adop.log 
[PROCEDURE] [START 2024/12/07 22:55:13] Running fs_clone phase

[PROCEDURE] [START 2024/12/07 22:55:13] Check Admin Server status

[ERROR] The script to check admin server status exited with status: 3 

[PROCEDURE] [END 2024/12/07 22:55:18] Check Admin Server status

[UNEXPECTED] The admin server for the patch file system is not running.

Start the patch file system admin server from the admin node and then rerun fs_clone.

In this scenario, the error clearly states that the Admin Server for the patch file system is not running. The root cause is that the Node Manager Port (5556) and the WLS Admin Server Port (7001) are already in use, causing the validation to fail.


When running the txkADOPValidation script, the system attempts to check the status of the Admin Server and encounters errors because the required ports are already occupied. Here’s how to resolve this issue:

Step 1: Confirm the Processes Using the Ports

First, identify which processes are occupying the Node Manager Port (5556) and the WLS Admin Server Port (7001). You can do this by running the following commands:

sudo netstat -tulnp | grep 5556

sudo netstat -tulnp | grep 7001

These commands will show the specific processes using the ports. You may find that the ports are being occupied by processes like Node Manager or WebLogic Server.

Step 2: Stop Related Services

Once you’ve confirmed which processes are using the ports, the next step is to ensure that the Node Manager and WebLogic Server are completely stopped.

Use the following commands to stop these services:

Stop the WebLogic Server

Stop the Node Manager:

These commands will stop the associated services that are occupying the required ports.

Step 3: Verify Node Manager and WebLogic Server are Stopped

After stopping the services, verify that both the Node Manager and WebLogic Admin Server are no longer running. To do this, use the netstat command again to ensure that ports 5556 and 7001 are now free:

sudo netstat -tulnp | grep 5556

sudo netstat -tulnp | grep 7001

If the ports are still in use, you may need to check if the processes are still running or if they need to be killed manually.

Step 4: Restart ADOP Phase

Once the ports are confirmed to be free, you can proceed by re-running the ADOP phase.

The validation process should now pass successfully, as the required ports for Node Manager and WebLogic Admin Server are available.

Run the following command to continue with the fs_clone phase:

adop phase=fs_clone


The error encountered during the ADOP validation phase was caused by the Node Manager Port (5556) and WebLogic Admin Server Port (7001) being occupied by running processes. These ports are required for the successful completion of the validation checks.

By following the steps outlined above to identify and stop the conflicting processes, you can free up the necessary ports and allow the ADOP validation to complete successfully. Once the ports are available, re-running the ADOP phase will allow the fs_clone phase to proceed without issues.

This issue is a common roadblock during the ADOP process, but with proper port management and service control, it can be easily resolved.


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