In the bustling heart of Madurai, where the air is fragrant with the aroma of Jigarthanda and Biryani, a young Venkatesh GKV, a passionate cricketer who [...]
Balamurugan, fondly known as Bala, hails from Keezha Eral village in Thoothukudi district. Born in 1981, he grew up in Puliyanthope, a bustling neighborhood in North Chennai. His early years were [...]
In the bustling heart of Madurai, where the air is fragrant with the aroma of Jigarthanda and Biryani, a young Venkatesh GKV, a passionate cricketer who spent time playing cricket with his [...]
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the importance of database security cannot be overstated. For leaders across your organization—be it a CEO guiding overall strategy, a CTO focused [...]
Introduction: This SQL query is fetching the data of Tax reporting type code details by passing the tax regime. Cause of the issue: To find if any of the tax reporting type code is blank and that [...]