Employee Expense Payment Query

In this blog, you will find the SQL query to extract the Employee expense payments in Oracle apps R12.1.3 Query: select aps.vendor_name “Supplier”, aca.AMOUNT “Payment [...]

PO XML Views in Oracle

In Oracle Purchasing, The PO Output for Communication program is responsible for sending the PO copies to vendors with respect to the communication details captured. During the call of this [...]

Recurring GL Journals extract query

In Oracle Financials, We have a provision to create a recurring journal in GL application. This blog will helping in extracting that journals. SELECT b.name batch, b.description [...]

AME Rule changes audit queries

In Oracle E-Biz applications Approvals Management Engine(AME) is widely used for approvals in Purchasing,HR modules. Especially an audit enabled systems, We need to capture the changes in the [...]

Supplier Bill To Location Update script

The requirement is to update/attach a new Bill To Location to existing supplier sites. The below script can be used to update the Bill To Location for the existing supplier sites and this script [...]

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