What is oracle OS watcher?

  • Oracle OS watcher is collects and stores as archives operating system and network metrics that you can use to diagnose performance issues. OSWbb operates as a set of background processes on the server and gathers a data on a regular basis, invoking such UNIX utilities such as vmstatnetstatiostat, top, etc.
  • By using of OSWbba analyzer to provide information on system slowdowns, system hangs and other performance problems, and also to graph data collected from iostatnetstat, and vmstat.
  • In General, OSWbb requires the java version of 1.4.2 or higher version in our environment.
  • OSwbb is particularly useful for RAC environment and also oracle grid infrastructure.

Where to download the OS watcher and execute it?

Step1: We can download the Oracle OS watcher software from my oracle support website itself.


Step 2: Then, move or copy this file to directory where we need to run the oswbb software and un-tar the file.

Step 3: After above step, we have to install ksh (koron shell) using yum install.

Step 4: Then, when we complete the un-tar(tar –xvf owsbb.tar) function, it will create the directory name of “oswbb”. In that directory has a shell script to execute the oswbb and .jar files are located there.

To execute or to start the oswbb software, we should run the startOSWbb.sh

Step 5: To stop the oswbb we should execute it stopOSWbb.sh.


Step 6: When the execution of oswatcher it will create the directory called archive, we can get the all outputs in that archive directory, which we want to check the data, just navigate to that directory and view the file by using more command, because it is bigfile, so using of more command is best.

For eg: navigation to output:

When we move to oswbb.tar to our oracle home location means, we should un tar it on that location, so it will create the directory called oswbb and after we should execute it in same location, while execution time it will create the directory called archive to store the outputs,

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/oswbb/archive

For eg:

$ more file_name.dat

OSWbb collects data in the following directories under the oswbb/archive directory:

oswiostat Contains output from the iostat utility.
oswmeminfo Contains a listing of the contents of /proc/meminfo.
oswmpstat Contains output from the mpstat utility.
oswnetstat Contains output from the netstat utility.
oswprvtnet If you have enable private network tracing for RAC, contains information about the status of the private networks.
oswps Contains output from the ps utility.
oswslabinfo Contains a listing of the contents of /proc/slabinfo.
oswtop Contains output from the top utility.
oswvmstat Contains output from the vmstat utility.


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