Error while executing the perl script

We have determined that you need to redeploy Forms (using
But could not do it automatically for you, due to some issues.
For details refer the log files.
Follow Note: 397174.1 to redeploy Forms manually.

The forms ear file can be deployed manually using the following steps.

For R12.1.x EBS Applications:

1. cd to the 10.1.2 $ORACLE_HOME/forms/j2ee
2.Copy formsapp.ear to /tmp
3.Unzip formsapp.ear to get formsweb.war and extract formsweb.war to get frmsrv.jar
4.Back up frmsrv.jar from $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/forms/applications/forms/formsweb/WEB-INF/lib.
5 Copy frmsrv.jar from tmp to $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/forms/applications/forms/formsweb/WEB-INF/lib
6. Stop the services
7. Generate jar files with force
8. Run the autoconfig
9. Start the services

For R12.2.x EBS Applications:

From the run $FILE_EDITION

1. cd <10.1.2$ORACLE_HOME>/forms/java (if not here, then look in the <10.1.2$ORACLE_HOME>/forms/j2ee)
2. Copy formsapp.ear to /tmp
3. Unzip formsapp.ear to get formsweb.war and extract formsweb.war to get frmsrv.jar
4. Back up frmsrv.jar from $EBS_ORACLE_HOME/applications/forms/forms/WEB-INF/lib and $EBS_ORACLE_HOME/applications/oacore/html/WEB-INF/lib/
5. Copy frmsrv.jar from /tmp to $EBS_ORACLE_HOME/applications/oacore/html/WEB-INF/lib/ and $EBS_ORACLE_HOME/applications/forms/forms/WEB-INF/lib
6. Stop the services
7. Run the autoconfig
8. Generate jar files with force
9. Start the services

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