Transmission Configuration

AP payments made in Oracle Could sends payment files to banks to make the real payment to vendors. In such cases, file transfer link has to be enabled between Oracle Cloud and bank server. This can be achieved by setting up transmission configuration at Oracle Cloud application.

Below is the navigation and minimum required protocol to setup transmission configuration,

Navigations: Setup and Maintenance –> Manage Transmission Configuration –> Create Transmission with “Secure File Transfer Protocol for Static File Names”


In our below sample transmission we have used, SSH keys for authentication and PGP keys for Encrypting payment files.

  1. *FTP Server IP Address –> Bank server address
  2. *FTP Account User Name -> User profile name which has access to Bank server
  3. FTP Account Password -> User profile password


Client Private Key File & Password -> SSH Private Key and corresponding password

  1. *Remove File Directory -> Bank Server Directory in which payment files will be placed
  2. *PFP Public Encryption Key -> PGP Public Key given by banks for encrypting the payment files. Usually, bank will generate key public and private pairs and share the public key with customer. The private key will be configured at bank server for decryption.
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