This blog has the SQL query that can be used to pull the data for the AR Customer Collector Portfolio Report
Cause of the issue:
Business wants to see the Customer Collector Portfolio Details
How do we solve:
Create a BI report in fusion using below SQL query to extract the details.
customer_name, account_number, portfolio, portfolio_description, business_unit, account_profile_class_effective_end_date, account_profile_class, account_profile_collector FROM ( SELECT hp.party_name customer_name, hca.account_number account_number, hca.attribute10 portfolio, ( CASE WHEN hca.attribute10 = ‘Default – Portfolio’ THEN ‘Portfolio Default for Unclassified Customer Accounts’ WHEN hca.attribute10 != ‘Default – Portfolio’ THEN hca.attribute10 END ) portfolio_description, business_unit, to_char(hcpf.effective_end_date, ‘yy/mm/dd’) account_profile_class_effective_end_date, ( SELECT name AS profile_class FROM hz_cust_profile_classes WHERE profile_class_id = hcpf.profile_class_id ) account_profile_class, ( SELECT name FROM ar_collectors WHERE collector_id = hcpf.collector_id ) account_profile_collector FROM hz_parties hp, ( SELECT * FROM hz_cust_accounts WHERE status = ‘A’ ) hca, ( SELECT name, organization_id FROM hr_operating_units where 1=1 and sysdate BETWEEN date_from AND date_to ) hou, ( SELECT * FROM hz_customer_profiles_f WHERE 1 = 1 AND site_use_id IS NULL AND status = ‘A’ AND sysdate BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date ) hcpf, hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcsa, hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsu, FND_SETID_SETS fss WHERE 1 = 1 AND hp.party_id = hca.party_id AND hcpf.cust_account_id (+) = hca.cust_account_id and hca.cust_account_id = hcsa.cust_account_id AND hcsa.cust_acct_site_id = hcsu.cust_acct_site_id AND HCSU.SITE_USE_CODE = ‘BILL_TO’ and hcsa.set_id = fss.set_id AND fss.set_name = AND ( ( hou.organization_id IN (:P_BUNIT) AND coalesce (:P_BUNIT, NULL) IS NOT NULL ) OR coalesce (:P_BUNIT, NULL) IS NULL ) ) group by business_unit, account_profile_class, portfolio, portfolio_description, customer_name, account_number, account_profile_collector, account_profile_class_effective_end_date order by account_profile_collector asc |