This blog has the SQL query that can be used to pull the data for the AR Customer Dunning Strategy Status Report
Cause of the issue:
Business wants to see the AR Customer Dunning Strategy Status Report
How do we solve:
Create a BI report in fusion using below SQL query to extract the details.
With cust as (
select hp.party_id, hp.party_number cust_number, hp.party_name cust_name, hca.cust_account_id, hca.account_number CUST_ACCOUNT_NUMBER from hz_parties hp, hz_cust_accounts hca where hp.party_id = hca.party_id ) , cltr as ( select acl.collector_id, acl.employee_id, collector, pmail.email_address collector_email from ar_collectors acl, per_email_addresses_v pmail where acl.employee_id = pmail.person_id ) , stg_temp as ( select WORK_ITEM_TEMP_ID, name task, DESCRIPTION from IEX_STRY_TEMP_WORK_ITEMS_VL group by WORK_ITEM_TEMP_ID, name, DESCRIPTION ) select istr.strategy_id, cust1.cust_name CUSTOMER_NAME, cust1.CUST_ACCOUNT_NUMBER, fabu.bu_name, ilv.meaning strategy_status, to_char(istr.creation_date,’DD-MM-YYYY’) str_start_date, to_char(istr.last_update_date,’DD-MM-YYYY’) str_end_date, stg_temp.task, iswi.STATUS_CODE task_status, cltr.collector, cltr.collector_email, to_char(iswi.EXECUTE_START,’DD-MM-YYYY’) task_st_date, to_char(iswi.EXECUTE_END,’DD-MM-YYYY’) task_End_date, iswi.WORK_ITEM_ORDER from IEX_STRATEGIES istr, cust cust1, fun_all_business_units_v fabu, IEX_STRATEGY_WORK_ITEMS iswi, stg_temp stg_temp, cltr cltr, IEX_LOOKUPS_V ilv where 1=1 and istr.cust_account_id = cust1.cust_account_id and istr.strategy_id = iswi.strategy_id(+) and iswi.WORK_ITEM_TEMPLATE_ID = stg_temp.WORK_ITEM_TEMP_ID and istr.org_id = fabu.bu_id and iswi.resource_id = cltr.employee_id and istr.status_code = ilv.lookup_code AND ( CASE WHEN istr.org_id IN ( :p_bu_id ) THEN 1 WHEN ( coalesce(NULL, :p_bu_id) IS NULL ) THEN 1 END = 1 ) AND ( CASE WHEN cust1.cust_name IN ( :p_cust_name ) THEN 1 WHEN ( coalesce(NULL, :p_cust_name) IS NULL ) THEN 1 END = 1 ) AND ( CASE WHEN istr.cust_account_id IN ( :p_custacc_id ) THEN 1 WHEN ( coalesce(NULL, :p_custacc_id) IS NULL ) THEN 1 END = 1 )
AND ( CASE WHEN ilv.meaning IN ( :p_strg_status ) THEN 1 WHEN ( coalesce(NULL, :p_strg_status) IS NULL ) THEN 1 END = 1 ) AND ( ( istr.creation_date>= nvl(:p_strg_dt_from, istr.creation_date) AND istr.last_update_date <= nvl(:p_strg_dt_to, istr.last_update_date) ) OR ( :p_strg_dt_from IS NULL AND :p_strg_dt_to IS NULL ) )
group by istr.strategy_id, cust1.cust_name, cust1.CUST_ACCOUNT_NUMBER, fabu.bu_name, ilv.meaning, to_char(istr.creation_date,’DD-MM-YYYY’) , to_char(istr.last_update_date,’DD-MM-YYYY’) , stg_temp.task, iswi.STATUS_CODE , cltr.collector, cltr.collector_email, to_char(iswi.EXECUTE_START,’DD-MM-YYYY’) , to_char(iswi.EXECUTE_END,’DD-MM-YYYY’) , iswi.WORK_ITEM_ORDER order by istr.strategy_id, to_char(istr.creation_date,’DD-MM-YYYY’) , to_char(istr.last_update_date,’DD-MM-YYYY’), iswi.WORK_ITEM_ORDER |