1.  Overview

When using Interactive grid, sometimes user don’t want to go with add row button for a new row generation. On those cases, this document shows, how to generate new line without using add row button.

2. Technologies and Tools Used

The following technology has been used to achieve this in oracle.

  • Apex

3. Use Case

It can be used in all applications.

4.  Steps

Steps to be followed

Step 1: Create Interactive Grid.

Step 2: Define a Static ID

Step 3: Create Dynamic Action.

Step 4: Add the JavaScript.

5. Create Interactive Grid

Create a Interactive Grid to display the columns

6.  Define a Static ID

Define a static ID named “REPORT_ID”.

7.  Create Dynamic Action

Create a dynamic action with Change Event

8.  Add the JavaScript

Add the following JavaScript code to automatically insert new row.






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