Unable to raise a Change Request as the earlier change raised is not completed and stuck in “Pending” status
Practical Guide To Troubleshoot Requisitions, PO’s or Releases Stuck In Change Request Process ( Doc ID 1487301.1 )
Take the backup:
Step 1: Create backup Table
create table scratch.po_change_requests_b2110201 as select * from apps.po_change_requests where document_type=’REQ’ and document_header_id= 8427913 and request_status not in (‘ACCEPTED’, ‘REJECTED’) and initiator = ‘REQUESTER’ and change_active_flag = ‘Y’;
Table Created: Table SCRATCH.PO_CHANGE_REQUESTS_B2110201 created.
Backup taken: 2 rows
Step 2: Create backup Tables
create table scratch.po_req_hdr_all_b2110202 as select * from apps.po_requisition_headers_all where requisition_header_id = 8427913;
Table created: table scratch.po_req_hdr_all_b2110202
Backup taken: 1 row
Run the update Statement:
Step 1: Run the update statement:
update apps.po_change_requests set request_status = ‘REJECTED’, change_active_flag=’N’ where document_type=’REQ’ and document_header_id= 8427913 and request_status not in (‘ACCEPTED’, ‘REJECTED’) and initiator = ‘REQUESTER’ and change_active_flag = ‘Y’;
2 rows updated
Step 2 – Run the update statement:
update po_requisition_headers_all set change_pending_flag = ‘N’ where requisition_header_id = 8427913;
1 row updated
Now the changes can be made on the Requisition.