Have you ever thought of getting a doubt and going to the library and a whole process of searching in between books and referring to the pages to clarify the doubt? Yes, without Google, that would be you and me searching for everything.

Here Google is just a library, but what is the main thing that leads through the right path during the searching process? Artificial intelligence is the mastermind behind this kind of analysis technique. Virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, etc., are also working with the NLP technology.

NLP technology is nothing but Natural Language Processing. But have you ever thought the whole searching process or Natural language processing is working in just a snap? Here the whole process needs a platform like a cloud to process all the processes in it.

Now the whole NLP is using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for fast processing and instant output. The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, when integrated with NLP it is very profitable to the business-based AI services.

Oracle is the most comprehensive and comprehensive public cloud in the industry, offering enterprise-grade services at every level of the cloud technology stack, including Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).

Capabilities include data integration and replication, API management and integration, analytics, and data migration and integration. Services offered include Analytics Cloud, Business Intelligence, Big Data Discovery, Big Data Preparation, Data Visualization, and Essbase.


Why AI and What makes the Process Easier?

Analyzing any textual data manually is a time-consuming and hectic process. However, this text analysis plays a prominent role in platforms like social media posts, surveys, news, and different insights of customers.

Text analysis, also known as text mining, transforms text data into machine-understood processes that can be interpreted to provide valuable insights.

By extracting keywords and entities and classifying text by feeling, subject, and intention, text analysis tools can help companies make better decisions. You can either create your text analysis tool with open-source libraries or buy a ready-made solution.

The Oracle cloud infrastructure will reduce the complexity of Natural learning processing. This reduction process includes certain capabilities such as,

  • First and foremost, one has to detect the apt language in several different languages based on the given input data.
  • The next one is to identify the certain name entity so that the search can be somewhat narrowed based on the name entities.
  • After that, it will search in different classified fields such as news, business pots or media post, etc.
  • This one plays a prominent role in a key phrase or keyword analysis. Based on this, the user will get the output data most aptly.
  • The last one is aspect-based sentiment analysis. Here the user aspects are taken into consideration while the process takes place.
  • Sentiment analysis (SA) is the analysis of textual texts in data science to determine consumer sentiment on a subject or product.
  • Mood analysis is about understanding the general opinions, feelings, attitudes, and feelings expressed in a text block. Individual mood analyses understand these feelings and coordinate your domain-specific mood values.

How this text analysis is used in different aspects?

There are several APIs for popular text analysis tasks that can be automated in machine learning but need proper integration to work. Compression and NLP are APIs, along with Lex Transcribe, that target different text analysis tasks.

The Compression API helps you analyze reactions, comments, and other large text data on social media that cannot be analyzed manually. For businesses, AI needs speed, scalability, and the power of complex machine learning models.

Hundreds of thousands of companies from a wide range of industries store their data in Oracle databases. Raw data is ripe for AI analysis, and A100 instances running on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure can help companies discover new business opportunities, understand customer sentiments and develop products faster.

It can be used in marketing and human resources also for different automated operations like ticket booking or scanning a resume etc. For people with disabilities, artificial intelligence and robotic technologies represent a huge step forward in improving the quality of life.

There is a whole range of AI technologies that can improve the lives of people with disabilities in various areas, and many more solutions are available and being developed by startups and large companies such as Google and Microsoft.

For example, there are plenty of navigation apps based on AI technology that can help people with disabilities gain more autonomy and spontaneity when they get off. Advances in computer linguistics help people with autism and dementia overcome cognitive disabilities by simplifying and summarizing digital content.

Harnessing the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Language

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (CI) is particularly relevant in applications and functions where considerable volumes of text are involved. Scalability allows vast text data to be analyzed, nearly instantaneously. This text analysis happens in real-time. Therefore, it aids business processes and assists in quick decision-making.

  • Resume Perusing: This is a recruitment function that involves flipping through sheaves of resumes that might run into thousands of pages. The OCI Language can be trained to identify texts with particular educational qualifications or skillsets.
  • Employee Feedback: Here is another function of the Human Resources department that involves employee feedback and reviews. Here too, the OCI Language tool can be harnessed to identify and spot certain keywords that are provided.
  • Customer Reviews: OCI Language tool works well for market research and analysts who need to browse through humongous volumes of customer feedback, reviews, suggestions, and grievances.

The OCI Language can be harnessed to check for specific features. It also helps customer service departments to be allocated the right service tickets. Certain messages, reviews, tweets, or social media messages can be automatically flagged.

Final Words

Artificial intelligence not only makes our lives easier by automating mundane and tedious tasks but also opens up countless opportunities for people with disabilities to experience the world in a promising and unique way.

Furthermore, artificial intelligence technologies can be used by a user-centric approach for inclusive design to design solutions that best meet the needs of people with disabilities and improve accessibility. Whatever the AI is used or in which platform it is used, the Oracle cloud infrastructure will make the process easy and effective.

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