
We can change the LOV query using form personalization. Sample provided below (Payment form).



We have to change the “type”  field lov query for populating the custom values.

To achieve this, we have to follow the below process.



Login into application and switch the Payable Manager Responsibility.



Here Type LOV currently shows three values. Instead, we have the requirement to populate these values in the LOV. (Manual, Netting, Payment Process Request, Quick, Refund).


Step-2: Identify the form .fmb name (NAV:- Help->about oracle Applications)



Connect to the application server and download the .fmb (APXPAWKB.fmb).

Open the form in the form builder and check the LOV name for “type” field.


Step-4: Check the record group for the attached LOV and take the sql statement.


(select displayed_field, lookup_code from ap_lookup_codes where lookup_type = ‘PAYMENT TYPE’ and lookup_code not in (‘A’,’N’) order by upper(displayed_field))


Step-5: Go to the payment form in application and navigate to form personalization form.

Nav:- help->Diagnostics-> Custom code ->Personalize


  1. Seq: 10
  2. Description: Payment Type LOV
  3. Level: Function
  4. Enabled checkbox enable
  5. Click on condition and assigned below properties.
  7. Processing Mode: Not In Enter-Query Mode


Step-6: Click on Actions button and assigned the below properties.

  1. Seq: 10
  2. Type: Builtin
  3. Description  : LOV (Optional)
  4. Builtin Type: Create Record Group from Query.
  5. Argument : Placed custom select statement (SELECT displayed_field  , lookup_code         FROM ap_lookup_codes   WHERE lookup_type = ‘PAYMENT TYPE’    ORDER BY UPPER (displayed_field))
  6. Group Name: XX_PAYMENT_TYPE (Customer Record group name)


Step-7:  Click on action and create 2nd action and assigned below values.

  1. Seq: 20
  2. Type: Property
  3. Language: All
  4. Object Type: LOV
  5. Target Object : PAY_VALID_PAYMENT_TYPES (lov Name)
  6. Property name: GROUP NAME
  7. Value: XX_PAYMENT_TYPE (Here assigned the custom group into existing LOV)


Step-8:  Click on action and create 3rd  action and assigned below values.


  1. Seq: 30
  2. Type: Property
  3. Language: All
  4. Object Type: Item
  5. Target Object PAY_SUM_FOLDER.PAYMENT_TYPE (Column Name)
  6. Property name: VALUE
  7. Value: Manual


Step-9: Save all work and close the form and re-open the form then check the changes.




This Post explained what the steps should follow to create

The customer in fusion application


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