How to connect Developing tool Toad from oracle.

Once installation is completed and EBS comes into the front End.

Through the TNS number we can connect the Developing tool Toad to Application.


Install – Toad Application – Tool.for.Oracle.


Give Accept and then give Next

As we are Installing Toad, hence I have click the Toad for Data Analysts and gave next.

Give Install,


Once Installation completed you will get

Above screenshot will be Blank, for TNS activation you need to Install – win32_11gR2_client.

Once installation is completed you get option in the drop under Connect using. Select the dropdown and click the option


And  then Click the 3dot box which is present next to oraclient11g_home1 and go to the specific path, which is marked in yellow on below screenshot and then create one note in the file name tnsnname.




Go to the oracle and go to the network path, copy the tnsname.ora content and paste into the notepad which is recently created in the local system.

Paste the content which is taken from the oracle and give saveas.

Go to the TOAD application , click session and select new connection.

Click the database drop and select you database.  Then provide your application userID and password then click connect and enjoy toad application .









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