MPS/MRP planning attributes

Navigation path: Inventory>Items>Master Items>General Planning (T)

Refer to the table below for the setup of each attribute.


Attribute Valid


Purpose Comment Setup
Planning Not Select the option Not Planned: The item does not
Method Planned, that Planning require long–term planning of
MRP uses to decide material requirements. Choose this
planning, when to plan the option for high volume and/or low
MPS item cost items that do not warrant the
planning, administrative overhead of
MRP/DRP planning; typically dependent
Planned, demand items. You cannot use this
MPS/DRP option unless the Pick Components
Planned, attribute is checked.
DRP MRP planning: Choose this option
Planned for non–critical items that do not
require manual planning control,
typically dependent demand items.
MPS planning: You master
schedule the item and require
manual planning control. Choose
this option for items with
independent demand, items that are
critical to your business, or items
that control critical resources.
MRP/DRP Planned: Choose this
option when you want both MRP
and DRP planning for the item.
MPS/DRP Planned: Choose this
option when you want both MRP
and DRP planning for the item.
DRP Planned: Choose this option
when you have multiple
organizations for which you do
Distribution Requirements
Planning for the item.
Forecast Consume, Select an option This is appropriate only for items
Control Consume to determine the that are models, option classes,
and derive, types of demand options, or mandatory components
None you place for the of models and option classes.
item. This guides Consume: forecast demand
the key processes directly, rather than by exploding
of two–level forecast demand.
master Consume and derive: forecast
scheduling: demand directly, explode forecast
forecast demand, or use a combination of
explosion, both methods.
forecast None: place sales order demand
consumption, but do not forecast demand.
production relief,
and shipment


Attribute Valid


Purpose Comment Setup
Exception Set Enter the name The item–level planning
of the planning exceptions include:
exception set that overcommitted, shortage, excess,
groups together and repetitive variance. The
the sensitivity planning process uses this attribute
controls and to decide when to raise planning
exception time exceptions for the item.
periods for item–
level planning
exceptions for
the item.
Create Indicates if
Supply supply can be
suggested for this
Critical If selected, flags This allows you to plan master
Component the item as a scheduled items with respect to
critical only critical component and their
component for material resource constraints.
Pegging Soft Enter the pegging Soft Pegging: allocates supply to
Pegging, option. demand based on the Reservation
End Level option set in the Plan
Assembly options.
Pegging, End Assembly Pegging: traces the
End end assembly the item is pegged to
Assembly/ at the top of the bill of material.
Soft Even if you do not select end
Pegging, assembly pegging, you can still
Hard calculate and view end assemblies
Pegging, on–line.
End End Assembly/ Soft Pegging:
Assembly/ Choose this option for both soft
Hard pegging and end assembly
Pegging, pegging.
None Hard Pegging: allocates supply to
demand based on the Reservation
Level option set in the Plan
options. This pegs supply to
demand and demand to supply by
project at all levels of a bill of
material. This allows you to pre–
allocate supply to demand and
generate planned orders based on
the plan level options.
End Assembly/ Hard Pegging:
Choose this option for both hard
pegging and end assembly
None: disables project material
allocation, end assembly pegging,
and full pegging.
Planned Indicates if the This means that material can be
Inventory item is an stored at the item level without
Point Inventory Point losing materials or quality
item. characteristics. Inventory Points
generally point to major stocking
phases in the manufacturing cycle.


Attribute Valid


Purpose Comment Setup
Shrinkage Enter a factor The planning process inflates
Rate that represents demand to compensate for this
the average expected loss.
amount of
material expected
to lose during
manufacturing or
in storage.
Round Order Quantities 1 Indicate whether the planning process uses decimal or whole number values when calculating planned order

quantities or repetitive rates.

When this option is checked, decimal values round up (never down) to the next whole number. The planning process carries any excess quantities and rates forward into subsequent periods as additional supply.
Acceptable Early Days 2 Enter the number of days before which the planning process will not reschedule orders. The planning process only suggests rescheduling out if the new calculated order date is later than the original order due date plus the acceptable early days; the new calculated order does not violate the order of current scheduled receipts.

This applies to discrete items only.

Calculate Indicate whether On the Planning Detail Report,
ATP 3 to calculate and ATP is calculated as
print available to ATP = Planned production –
promise (ATP) committed demand
on the Planning
Detail Report.
Reduce MPS None, Past Decide when to None: Do not reduce order
4 Due, reduce master quantities on the MPS.
Demand production Past Due: Reduce order quantities
Time Fence, schedule (MPS) on MPS entries to zero when the
Planning quantities to entry is past due.
time Fence zero. Demand Time Fence: Reduce
order quantities on MPS entries to
zero when the due date moves
inside the demand time fence.
Planning time Fence: Reduce
order quantities on MPS entries to
zero when the due date moves
inside the planning time fence.


Attribute Valid


Purpose Comment Setup
Planning Cumulative Determine a Planning calculates the planning
Time Fence mfg. lead point in time time fence as the plan date (or the
Days 5 time, inside which next workday if the plan is
Cumulative certain generated on a non workday) plus
total lead restrictions on the value entered here.
time, Total planning Cumulative mfg. lead time: The
lead time, recommendations cumulative manufacturing lead
User– apply. time for the item.
defined Cumulative total lead time: The
total manufacturing lead time for
the item.
Total lead time: The total lead time
for the item.
User–defined: The value you enter
for Planning Time Fence
Demand Cumulative Determine a Used to reduce the risk of carrying
Time Fence mfg. lead point in time excess inventory.
Days time, inside which the Planning also uses the demand
Cumulative planning process time fence when loading master
total lead ignores forecast schedules. The demand time fence
time, Total demand and is calculated as the start date of the
lead time, considers only master schedule load plus the value
User– sales order entered.
defined demand when Calculate the demand time fence as
calculating gross the plan date (or the next workday
requirements. if the plan is generated on a non
workday) plus:
Cumulative mfg. lead time: The
cumulative manufacturing lead
time for the item.
Cumulative total lead time: The
total manufacturing lead time for
the item.
Total lead time: The total lead time
for the item.
User–defined: The value you enter
for Planning Time Fence


Attribute Valid


Purpose Comment Setup
Release Time Cumulative Determine a No material availability check is
Fence Days 6 mfg. lead point in time performed before WIP jobs are
time, inside which released.
Cumulative planned orders Calculate the release time fence as
total lead for discretely the plan date (or the next workday
time, Total planned items are if the plan is generated on a non
lead time, automatically workday) plus the value entered
User– released as WIP here.
defined, Do jobs or purchase Cumulative mfg. lead time: The
not auto– requisitions. cumulative manufacturing lead
release, Do time for the item.
not release Cumulative total lead time: The
(Kanban) total manufacturing lead time for
the item.
Total lead time: The total lead time
for the item.
User–defined: The value you enter
for Planning Time Fence
Do not auto–release: The item
cannot be auto–released.
Do not release (Kanban): For
Kanban items prevent release of
planned orders manually or
Substitution Cumulative Calculates until what time a substitute can be considered for an item. Cumulative mfg. lead time: The
Window mfg. lead time


cumulative manufacturing lead time

for the item.

total lead Cumulative total lead time: The total
time manufacturing lead time for the item.
Total lead Total lead time: The total lead time for
time the item.
User-defined User-defined: The value you enter.
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