
Use this window to define each work location used by your enterprise. This window contains information and notified the problems, such as Inventory Organization, that is used by other Oracle Applications.


Not able to Create the new Locations as well as Update the existing Locations in Oracle.


“FRM-40735: ON-UPDATE trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-29273.”


Responsibility: Human Resources.

Navigation: Work Structures >Locations.

When try to create the Locations and save, the following error appears.


The “IRC: Geocode Host” was enabled with the following setting without the DMZ being setup.

The problem is that if the elocation function is enabled, then any type of address form that is trying to be updated, it will error out. This is because this function tries to make a call to the location servers, which is outside the DMZ. What is happening is that the application is trying to get the longitude and latitude data and trying to update tables like the hr_locations_all table and per_addresses table. In this case, the DMZ was not set up, so the application could not make the call and thus will error out.


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Go into the responsibility: System Administrator

  1. Navigate to Profile > System.

Click on Open and Query the Profile Option “IRC: Geocode Host.”

Click on Find.

  1. Clear the value at the Site level for the profile option “IRC: Geocode Host” and save.

  1. Retest the issue:

Now again, go to Location form in oracle.

You can now create the location and save.


This Post explained that the errors in the new location with notification code in application bottom.


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