
This Post illustrates the steps required to get the AP Supplier Invoices in – FUSION Application

Script to AP Supplier Invoices query – FUSION

SELECT gp.period_name,

(SELECT    ‘Q’

|| quarter_num

|| ‘-WK’

|| LPAD (TO_CHAR (DECODE (period_num,

53, 14,

DECODE (MOD (period_num, 13),

0, 13,

MOD (period_num, 13)






) planning_week

FROM gl_periods gp

WHERE 1 = 1

AND dist.accounting_date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date

AND adjustment_period_flag = ‘N’

AND gp.period_set_name = gl.period_set_name) planning_week,

(SELECT fv.description

FROM fnd_flex_values_vl fv,

fnd_flex_value_sets fvs

WHERE fv.flex_value_set_id = fvs.flex_value_set_id

AND fvs.flex_value_set_name = ‘Department’

AND fv.flex_value = gcc.segment3) expenditure_organization,

inv.project_id project_id,

NVL ((SELECT p.segment1

FROM pjf_projects_all_b p

WHERE p.project_id = inv.project_id), ‘N/A’) project_number,


FROM pjf_projects_all_tl p

WHERE project_id(+) = inv.project_id), ‘N/A’) project_name,

NULL project_type_class_code, hp.party_name employee_vendor,

DECODE (TO_CHAR (dist.accounting_date, ‘DAY’),

5, dist.accounting_date,

NEXT_DAY (dist.accounting_date, 6)

) week_ending,

dist.accounting_date expenditure_date,

inv.invoice_currency_code entered_currency_code,

dist.amount entered_amount,

DECODE (inv.invoice_currency_code,

gl.currency_code, NVL (dist.amount, 0),

NVL (dist.amount, 0) * NVL (dist.exchange_rate, 0)

) accounted_amount,

dist.exchange_rate accounted_exchange_rate,

dist.exchange_rate_type accounted_exchange_type,

(  DECODE (inv.invoice_currency_code,

gl.currency_code, NVL (dist.amount, 0),

NVL (dist.amount, 0) * NVL (dist.exchange_rate, 1)


* NVL ((SELECT gdr.conversion_rate

FROM gl_daily_rates gdr

WHERE gdr.conversion_type = ‘Corporate’

AND gdr.to_currency = ‘USD’

AND gdr.from_currency = gl.currency_code

AND gdr.conversion_date = dist.accounting_date),



) usd_amount,

NVL ((SELECT gdr.conversion_rate

FROM gl_daily_rates gdr

WHERE gdr.conversion_type = ‘Corporate’

AND gdr.to_currency = ‘USD’

AND gdr.from_currency = gl.currency_code

AND gdr.conversion_date = dist.accounting_date),


) usd_conversion_rate,

dist.accounting_date conversion_date, gl.NAME set_of_books_name,

gl.currency_code book_currency_code, gcc.segment1 company,

gcc.segment2 ACCOUNT, gcc.segment3 department, gcc.segment4 region,

gcc.segment5 FUNCTION, gcc.segment6 intercompany,

dist.description comments, inv.invoice_num ap_invoice_number,


(SELECT class_code

FROM pjf_project_classes prc,

pjf_class_codes_tl pct

WHERE prc.class_code_id = pct.class_code_id

AND prc.project_id = inv.project_id) project_region_code

FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all dist,

ap_invoice_lines_all line,

ap_invoices_all inv,

gl_code_combinations gcc,

poz_suppliers ps,

hz_parties hp,

gl_ledgers gl,

gl_periods gp

WHERE dist.invoice_id = line.invoice_id

AND dist.invoice_line_number = line.line_number

AND line.invoice_id = inv.invoice_id

AND dist.dist_code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id

AND inv.vendor_id = ps.vendor_id

AND hp.party_id = ps.party_id

AND inv.set_of_books_id = gl.ledger_id

AND gp.period_set_name = gl.period_set_name

AND dist.accounting_date BETWEEN gp.start_date AND gp.end_date

AND gp.adjustment_period_flag = ‘N’


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