Supplier Contact Details

This report will provide active supplier contact details.

Cause of the issue:
To apply TDS tax deduction against open invoice.

How do we solve:
So, extract the open invoice for applying the TDS tax against invoice amount.

select Distinct asp.segment1 “supplier Number”
,asp.vendor_name “Supplier Name”
,ass.vendor_site_code “Site Code”
,asp.vendor_type_lookup_code “Supplier Type”
,person.person_first_name “First Name”
,person.person_last_name  “Last Name”
,pty_rel.primary_phone_number “Phone Number”
,pty_rel.email_address “Email”
from ap.ap_suppliers asp
,ap.ap_supplier_sites_all ass
,ap.ap_supplier_contacts apsc
,apps.hz_parties person
,apps.hz_parties pty_rel
,apps.hr_operating_units hou
where 1=1
and asp.vendor_id=ass.vendor_id
and ass.party_site_id=apsc.org_party_site_id
and apsc.per_party_id=person.party_id
and apsc.rel_party_id=pty_rel.party_id
and ass.org_id=hou.organization_id
and nvl(ass.inactive_date,SYSDATE + 1)>=SYSDATE
and nvl(asp.end_date_active,SYSDATE + 1)>=sysdate
and nvl(asp.enabled_flag,’Y’)=’Y’

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