Issue Description:

Unable to delete the Blanket Purchase Agreement whose header details created. However, no line details are created.

Error Message:

This action is not allowed. Errors were encountered while loading updates to this Blanket Purchase Agreement.


The error is caused by a record in the po_drafts table for this Blanket Purchase Agreement


Go to Oracle Metalink Doc ID 1139755.1

Uploading or Updating Blanket Agreement via PDOI Functionality Continuously Erroring with ‘Errors were encountered while loading updates’ 

  1. For this purchase order – conduct the following:
    – Purchasing Super User –  Purge Purchasing Open Interface Processed Data
    – This should clear the po_headers_interface and po_lines_interace table
  2. Next, utilize the following sql to locate the blanket agreement in question:

    select poh.segment1,, poh.type_lookup_code, pod.document_id
    from po_drafts pod,
    po_headers_all poh,
    hr_all_organization_units hr
    po_header_id = pod.document_id and
    poh.org_id = hr.organization_id;

    This can help to confirm the blanket in question having the issue.


  1. It might be required to clear the PO_DRAFTS table.  The following sql is available to be used – only after the proper patching is completed above.

This sql will allow the Blanket Agreement to become available again for updates.  It may be required if the Purge Purchasing Open Interface Processed Data is not purging PO_DRAFTS.

select po_header_id from po_headers_all where segment1 = ‘&blanket_po_num’;

where document_Id = &document_Id ;

The Blanket Agreement would now be deleted.




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