UNEXPECTED Nodes are listed in the ADOP_VALID_NODES table but not in the FND_NODES table
Error :
adop phase=FS_CLONE failed with below error.
Validating system setup.
UNEXPECTED Nodes X are listed in the ADOP_VALID_NODES table but not in the FND_NODES table.
[UNEXPECTED]To correct this, run AutoConfig on nodes “” [UNEXPECTED]Error determining whether this is a multi-node instance [STATEMENT] Please run adopscanlog utility, using the command“adopscanlog -latest=yes”
To get the list of the log files along with snippet of the error message corresponding to each log file.
adop exiting with status = 2 (Fail)
- Backup the fnd_oam_context_files, fnd_nodes, and adop_valid_nodes tables in the EBS env nodes:
sqlplus apps/apps_pwd
create table fnd_oam_context_files_backup as select * from fnd_oam_context_files;
create table fnd_nodes_backup as select * from fnd_nodes;
create table adop_valid_nodes_backup as select * from adop_valid_nodes;
- Truncate the following tables:
truncate table fnd_oam_context_files;
truncate table fnd_nodes;
truncate table adop_valid_nodes;
- Run AutoConfig on the DB tier
Confirm Autoconfig completes successfully
- Stop application service.
- Run Autoconfig on the run file system.
Confirm Autoconfig completes successfully
Before running Autoconfig on the patch file system the ebs_login trigger MUST be disabled
After the successful completion of Autoconfig the ebs_login trigger MUST be re-enabled.
- Logon to sqlplus as system (sqlplus system/*****): alter trigger ebs_logon disable;
- Run Autoconfig on the patch file system
- Logon to sqlplus as system (sqlplus system/*****): alter trigger ebs_logon enable;
- Start application service.