To uninstall Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework components, perform the following steps.

  1. Stop all the Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework components by running the $ECC_BASE/Oracle/quickInstall/bin/ script. Select option 1, All. When prompted, enter the Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework domain admin server user name and password.
  2. Verify that all components have stopped by running the following command:

ps -ef|grep java

The output from this command should not include any Java processes related to the admin server for the Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework domain or the Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework managed server.

  1. Verify that the ZooKeeper process is stopped using the following command:

ps -ef|grep zookeeper

If necessary, you can stop the ZooKeeper process manually using the following commands:

$ cd /u01/Oracle/software/zookeeper/bin

$ ./ stop

  1. If you want to remove the Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework schema, then run the following commands on the Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework database to drop the Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework user, named ECC by default, and the ECC_TS tablespace. If you specified a different schema name for the Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework user in the file, then use that schema name in the drop command below instead of ECC.
  2. After the database and all Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework components are stopped, you can remove the Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework installation by deleting all the files under the $ECC_BASE directory. To do so, navigate to that directory and run the following command:

rm -rf *

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