This blog has the SOAP Webservice details that can be used to update the customer statement delivery method into Oracle Cloud application.
Cause of the issue:
Business wants to send the customer statements to their customers via email so as per the configuration customer preferred statement delivery method should be EMAIL
How do we solve:
We have created payload to update the customer statement delivery method and payload will read the data from csv file and update the same.
Service WSDL URL: https:/fscmService/ReceivablesCustomerProfileService?WSDL
Method: POST
Sample Request Body:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=”” xmlns:typ=”” xmlns:cus=”” xmlns:cus1=”” xmlns:cus2=””>
<!–Zero or more repetitions:–>
SOAP Response:
The response will have the status code.
- Success code – “200 OK”
- Error code – anything other than 200 OK